In response to JaxxMarron
JaxxMarron wrote:
Evil-Inuyasha wrote:
XzDoG wrote:
Is red steel really all that great? I heard it sucked. I don't own a wii or reed steel, so i wouldn't know.


I believe there are too many people who say a system sucks (or a game sucks) because they don't have it and heard rumors. Nothing you can do about it, but it just seems flat out wrong hearing people talk smack about something that both they nor people they know own.

" -blank- sucks!!!"
"How do you know? What sucks about it?"
"I don't know, my friend just told me it sucks."

My thoughts: If you've gotten your worth out of the Wii, you can sell it to try out the 360.

Yeah, but I've actually PLAYED Red Steel. It sucks. And I overestimated the awesomeness of the Wii.

I have TERRIBLE hand-eye coordination, so the whole point and click at the screen thing is difficult for me when playing Metroid.

In that case, you just might want to stick with the now crappy dual analog stick..It just doesn't get much easier than the wii remote..
i think u should keep the wii and don't play 360 nevermind buy it wii is more fun if ur fat yes keep the wii.
In response to digitalmouse
Pfft. Who needs a master system when you have a Dreamcast and MVC2
In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:
Pfft. Who needs a master system when you have a Dreamcast and MVC2

Who forgot about the NES or Atari 2600?
In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:
Pfft. Who needs a master system when you have a Dreamcast and MVC2

Damn straight. Even though the Dreamcast crashed and burned, Marvel vs Capcom 2 rocked.
In response to Shlaklava
Heh, just yesterday I removed my GameCube from the TV in this room (no need to have it hooked up, with the Wii in the living room), and hooked up my old (well, actually it belonged to my mother, and she let me take it) Atari 2600 in its place!

It still works, though some of the games need a good contact cleaning and the joysticks seem a bit sluggish...

Good times!
It depends really. The falcon chip xbox360s are coming out next month or something (they'll be less likely to overheat and RROD than the current xbox360s) and there's quite a lot of games coming out, as well as games already out.

All it comes down to is what games do you want to play.

If you keep your Wii you'll be able to play Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Brothers Brawl by the end of the year (I'm presuming you already have stuff like MP3, Zelda, Super Paper Mario), as well as all the virtual console stuff, however you'll miss out on all the 360 games coming out (or are out).

360 lineup of games out, or coming out this year that I could think of/find:

Oblivion: GOTY edition (comes out real soon, includes all the expansion junk + original game).
Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata/Trusty Bell
Halo 3
Assassins Creed
Viva Pinata
Two Worlds
Ace Combat 6
Armored Core 4
Beautiful Katamari
Call of Duty 2/3/4
Dead or Alive 4
Dead Rising
Enchanted Arms
Earth Defense Force 2017
Forza Motorsport 2
Gears of War
Guitar Hero 2/3
Rock Band
Half-Life Orange Box
Lego Starwars
Lost Planet
Mass Effect
Command & Conquer 3
The Darkness
Rockstar Table Tennis
Rainbow Six Vegas
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1/2
Tomb Raider Legend
Phantasy Star Universe
Geometry Wars

In response to Maggeh
Since he's looking at buying the console I might as well shoot off some mini-reviews for the ones I own (or know a fair bit about).

Oblivion: GOTY edition (comes out real soon, includes all the expansion junk + original game).

Great until you get a new game and stop playing, then it's pretty hard to get back into. About freeform as games get. Wait for the GOTY edition to come out if you plan on buying it.

Halo 3

Still not sold on whether the Halo series is popular because it's good or good because it's popular. A lot of work has gone into it and it's a fairly simple premise, so I have little doubt the game will live up to what people are expecting.


I beat Overlord on the weekend and I'm still not sure. I liked the demo, got the game, played for about an hour then left it alone for three weeks. I only started playing again because someone talked me into giving it a second go.
It's just a lot of the same thing over and over. I expected more puzzles (ala Lost Vikings) so I was a bit disappointed.


It's a first person shooter, but it's got a lot more depth. You can play it as just running through the halls killing monsters but it's got a very, very detailed environment and a storyline that actually makes you think.

Dead Rising

Thousands of zombies. Fairly freeform. Well worth playing if you enjoy chopping up zombies with chainsaws.

Gears of War

The story, characters and dialogue are HORRIBLE. It's like it was written by a ten year old. The online play makes up for it. It's great for when you just want to load up a game and play with friends.

Lego Starwars

I've played them on the PS2 and they're awesome. I'm waiting until the LEGO StarWars Collection comes out before I buy it because it's got both LEGO StarWars I and II together.

Rainbow Six Vegas

Great game. Multiplayer is sweet. I prefer the old style campaign mode where you do a lot of planning, but this works too.


I loved it but I haven't finished because I never felt like playing it. It's very slow. You're always walking. The combat is very simple. Two people have a pole or a plank of wood or something and try and beat each other to death with it. One button swings, one button blocks.
It's not an action game so that shouldn't matter, but you do a lot of fighting and meaningless walking around. So it's like watching a boring movie.


Crap. Pure generic FPS.

Not on the list are:
Alan Wake

This wont be out until next year but it's worth reading up on.

Tenchu Z

Another Tenchu game. If you like the others there's no reason to dislike this one. Online multiplayer is pretty cool.

Hitman: Blood Money

One of the best Hitman games to date. It's available on other consoles but it's still worth checking out if you pick up an XBOX 360.


I can't help but feel this game is just pretending to be freeform because the developers rushed it out. There's not much to do other than run around killing gang members and their bosses. You find a base, run in killing everyone, then kill the boss and you're done. Do that to all 21 bosses and you've beaten the game.
Fortunately that's extremely fun. Running around fighting using your super-cop powers is great. Online play isn't smooth but it's a lot of fun.

Saints Row

It's a GTA rip-off but it rips it off well. It's probably closest to a mix between GTA2 and GTA3. It really comes off as what rich kids in the suburbs think the ghetto is like.
It has a few advantages over GTA. The majority of the missions and sub-missions are in-character. There's none of this 'go help Zero with his model planes' junk. It's crime, crime, crime.

Project Sylpheed

The story is pretty standard for an anime-ish game. It's strong point is the combat. Flying around in your Delta Sabre is tons of fun. The dogfights are engaging. Worth playing. Don't judge it by the demo though, the demo is very hard.


skate is crazy awesome good. It's not like skateboarding, it's like using one of those fingerboard tech deck things. If you like watching people skate in real life or actually skating yourself you'll enjoy this game. It takes itself much more seriously than any of the recent Tony Hawk games.
The video editor is awesome. It's always recording, so if you do a sweet run you can just pause and create a video of it.
I'm not normally one for replays but they tend to look pretty good in this and because pulling off runs is pretty hard you can actually be proud when you show it to your friends.

[I could talk about skate forever, so I better just shut up.]
In response to DarkView
Ouch! You don't like F.E.A.R.? I loved it, man! It was gorgeous, plus best use of profanity in a game yet.

The only reason I can think you don't like FEAR is because you never did a jumping double kick into an enemy's face, spun around, sprayed bullets at a bunch of soldiers and did a slow-mo slide kick into cover as they blast at you screaming,
"What the <font color="#FF00FF">[flan]</font>!"
"Where'd he go!?"
"Shut your <font color="#FF00FF">[flanning]</font> mouth..."
In response to JaxxMarron
JaxxMarron wrote:
Nishiatsu wrote:
JaxxMarron wrote:
Yeah, but the Wii is so bloody annoying!

The controls are difficult for FPS's, and the system has bad GFX! At least the 360 has good GFX and good games, like Oblivion, Halo 3 when it comes out, C&C, BioShock, and many others...

You must be 12 years old. All you're probably fed on is peoples interests and not your own. No offence, but the wii's controls haven't been great but if you had metroid prime 3, im sure it would change your mind about the controls. And this holiday season there are at least 7 good games coming out, which is more than enough to keep you entertained.

1. I am 14 years of age.
2. I already own Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
3. Yeah, Halo 3 being one of those great games (It IS coming out THIS year, right??)

If that last part was really a question, then yes. It's coming out September 25th for the U.S. Not sure about anywhere else.
In response to XzDoG
My friend got Red Steel on release day (midnight) and we were all very disappointed with the game. The frame rate on the game can get terrible at times. At other times it runs like a dream.

The controls are very touchy and can get annoying very fast. I was throwing a lot of grenades by accident and it took me like 2 mins to pick up a gun the first time I played.

Some of the stages are done very, very well, while other stages feel like they were rushed, like you were playing stages out of a demo or something. All in all, Red Steel is one of the worst good examples for Nintendo Wii games.

I have herd very promising reviews about the new Metroid Prime, Penny Arcade said the controls were just as good as a keyboard and mouse (being a PC FPS gamer myself, that is a very, very high honor. Most PC gamers will agree the keyboard and mouse rules all.)

All in all, it is a great system, and well worth keeping. People who keep saying the Wii is nothing but hype are simply ignorant fanboys who don't want to admit Nintendo has done something fantastic.
In response to JaxxMarron
JaxxMarron wrote:
I have TERRIBLE hand-eye coordination, so the whole point and click at the screen thing is difficult for me when playing Metroid.

Sounds more like a personal problem then a console problem.

Keep the Wii, save for a 360. Only buy the PS3 if you want a high tech paper weight, or brick to throw off a roof at some unsuspecting victim.
Wow , im supriesed know one says forget the wii and 360 get a ps3. i guess that means the 360 does rock !
In response to Bakura_1
Well see, if I do say that I'll get tackled and start another flame war. So I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.
In response to JaxxMarron
Just ignore all of the 'Comming out soon!' things and the advertisements of release dates. They're totally lying.
In response to Bakura_1
Bakura_1 wrote:
Wow , im supriesed know one says forget the wii and 360 get a ps3. i guess that means the 360 does rock !

PS3 isn't worth it right now, and probably won't be for 8 months. Don't get taken in by Sony fanatics, most PS3 Games will be on the 360.
Wii60 my friend, Wii60.
In response to Nishiatsu
Nishiatsu wrote:
Bakura_1 wrote:
Wow , im supriesed know one says forget the wii and 360 get a ps3. i guess that means the 360 does rock !

PS3 isn't worth it right now, and probably won't be for 8 months. Don't get taken in by Sony fanatics, most PS3 Games will be on the 360.
Wii60 my friend, Wii60.

And Don't get taken in by 360 fanatics, most 360 games will be on the PC!
In response to Xzar
I think most people will agree that if they have a choice between the Xbox 360 version and the PC edition, most would choose the Xbox 360 one, simply because of the convenience of it. You don't have to install any software, you don't have to worry about having the best system requirements, you simply put the game in and play it.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Ah yes, but if you DO worry about it chances are you'll get more mods and more funtime than on the 360. Notice how I said more instead of none. Mainly because I'm not sure if the 360 allows mods or not. I think they do though.
In response to WarLin
Actually they're working on getting this feature on the 360. At least Epic is with UT3 (which is one of the reasons it's coming out later than the PC and PS3 versions).
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