I want to rotate a picture 3°, 67°, 299° and any other° I can think of, and I don't care much about quality loss.

I want this image to be placed in another picture box.
But the only problem is... I don't know how.

Anyone who knows how I can rotate images in VB 6.0, please tell me. article.php/c10677/#more

That provides some brief explanatory information on how to rotate an image, with or without anti-aliasing, and sample code on how to accomplish the task in VB 6.0 and C++.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Thanks a lot, but do you know of a faster one?
In response to Atomixkid
If Visual Basic supports OpenGL (I don't see why it wouldn't), OpenGL has a native function for rotating an image, or at least I hope it does--otherwise, I am not getting much of these OpenGL eBooks I've been reading. It should run pretty well on any modern computer as it would have hardware support.

By the way, anyone know any good OpenGL books that focus mainly on the aspects on 2D games?