World History class. Today we watched a video titled, "Is USA number 1?"

Movie content: Comparing the USA to third world countries in Africa and crappier parts of Asia. Had a brief segment mentioning Britain's government's apathy. 45 minutes.

Movie ended with the statement, "Yes, the USA is the best country."

What the hell? I am disgusted.
Hey. Get on msn for a sec.
Well it is true. And Britain is like the worst country.

Oh btw, you're using Blasphemous incorrectly.
Britain is tacky through its americanisation.
Ace, you know I love britain.

like what?
Oh btw, you're using Blasphemous incorrectly.

No I didn't.
One entry found for blasphemous.
Main Entry: blas·phe·mous
Pronunciation: 'blas-f&-m&s
Function: adjective
: impiously irreverent : PROFANE

This has nothing to do with and religous, scientific or philosphical viewpoint.
You think calling propaganda blasphemous is incorrect use of the term?
You think calling propaganda blasphemous is incorrect use of the term?

Yes. Is it being impious?
Anyone who doesn't get a boner for the Statue of Liberty is a terrorist.
World Weaver said:
like what?

Hey man, you totally suck dude. Oh brb I'm just gonna drink a can of coke before I browse the internet using AOL.

Wildrogue said:
Movie ended with the statement, "Yes, the USA is the best country."

Welcome to your Education. Oh, and your media and political climate. Are you ready for hate week?
Soviet Russia > All
Movie ended with the statement, "Yes, the USA is the best country."

But really Wild, I've never seen anything like that. It's just because you go to LCC.

Hey man, you totally suck dude. Oh brb I'm just gonna drink a can of coke before I browse the internet using AOL.

And I'm going to grab some altoids, smoke a ciggarette and go in my car which uses an engine.

It's called Globilization.
It's called Globilization.

Actually, it's called Globalization. ;]
Actually, it's called Globalization. ;]

Actually it's globalisation, you capitalist pigs*. >:|

And I'm going to grab some altoids, smoke a ciggarette and go in my car which uses an engine.

Hey man, you totally suck dude.
Coke and AOL are also American products or services. Of course it's Americanisation- american concepts, ideas and language. I bet you'll never see the word "awesome" in shakespearean literature*2.

It is also globalisation- american products made in china then sold over here, but that's not what I'm talking about. Of course it's americanisation. Even if you didn't see that as a bad thing you couldn't deny it wasn't.

* =p

*2 awesome
They are american ideas, but you have muslims in your country promoting shariah law, arabinisation(XD), but you don't complain anything about how their ideas promote the slavery of women.

So what if you drink coke? I eat altoids!

Everyone has much bigger problems than if you see a walmart in England.
Ummm... What the fuck are you guys talking about?
Ummm... What the fuck are you guys talking about?

Read the damn posts dude.

And, you should change the font on that TS.
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