Well I had Halo3 for a while, I beat to many people so do any of you think you can beat me at Slayer? If so what is your Gamertag I'm SAWCRAZY280 I doubt you can beat me
Lol. I'll play you sometime. Maybe later tonight. My gamertag's Duhvore.
Oh you're so great at the halos! No one can take you! Spartagus! Spartagus! He's the Spartan that can kill 'em all! Spartagus! Spartagus! He's so great, he can take you all!
Spar- I don't think so Tim. CareerStats.aspx?player=SAWCRAZY280

It's not nice to brag about stuff like that. :(
In response to Maggeh
What's more amusing is that, according to that, he's never played a slayer match.
Your rank will balance out with your skill soon. The matches wont get too hard after that but you wont win every time. Skill level 7 generally has two types of players, the ones who are new to FPS multiplayer and the ones who are still gaining rank. So it's pretty easy to dominate the matches.
In response to Popisfizzy
He's played team slayer, but he has almost 100 more deaths than kills.
In response to I4md4v0r
Dear Idiots, I said use your 360 to look it up look up my profile, I have Beaten the game on Legendary,Heroic, and normal, BY THW WAY I SAID NOT TO MAKE A SMART-ASS REMARK I SAID TELL ME YOUR GAMERTAGS, Wow BYOND people are prove the defintion of Dumb-Asses these days...
In response to I4md4v0r
Well I have a few questions;

Do you have a mic?
Are you on offten?
Do you get joy in killing people(In H3)?

If you do then send me a friend request
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
Wow BYOND people are prove the defintion of Dumb-Asses these days...

Yea, I'd have to say your post is pretty good evidence of that.
I saw your GT on, you're awful.
In response to Spartagus
Seconded to PIF's statement, not to mention, "OH MY GOD LENDARY!!!!1111 UR SOOOO GUD OMG TEACH ME HOW TO PLAY."

Legendary isn't anything special, bro.
In response to LucifersHellion
Bungie split from Microsoft.
In response to Spartagus
Just because the mighty Spartagus told us to do something doesn't mean we have to. Besides, we can see everything that your profile would show us on Bnet.

GT is Alloran.
In response to Popisfizzy
You took the words right out of my mouth.
In response to LucifersHellion
Yeah, that's what I was going to say -_-
In response to Spartagus
Lol. Yeah, I have a mic and I'm on every once in a while, and killing people is pretty much the main purpose in the game.
In response to Spartagus
Spartagus wrote:
Dear Idiots, I said use your 360 to look it up look up my profile, I have Beaten the game on Legendary,Heroic, and normal, BY THW WAY I SAID NOT TO MAKE A SMART-ASS REMARK I SAID TELL ME YOUR GAMERTAGS, Wow BYOND people are prove the defintion of Dumb-Asses these days...

Hmm...Halotards? BYONDtards?...

...Halotards rolls off the tongue rather nicely. We'll begin the day by calling a Spartagus a Halotard.