Oct 16 2007, 1:44 pm
hai dudez im guna peirce mi scrotum. good idea???///
In response to Mr.Tophat
Mr.Tophat wrote:
Is there really any logical reasoning behind getting piercings? Well, when you get your ears pieces you look good. When girls get their belly buttons pierced, it looks hot (some people don't think it does, but most do). When you get things like your wrist pierced, well, that is just retarded and does not look sexy at all. I have never heard of anyone who has a wrist fetish. =/ |
In response to Cavern
If that wrist is attached to a hand doing something to my body, then I do!
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
When you get things like your wrist pierced, well, that is just retarded and does not look sexy at all. I have never heard of anyone who has a wrist fetish. =/ It's the same idea with wearing sandals in places other than the pool or the beach. There's no LOGIC behind wearing sandals, it's a bad idea, but stupid people do it. If you want to run, you have to either run awkwardly or take your sandals off and run bare-footed. If something sharp comes near your foot you have no protection! They are actually rather uncomfortable too. Getting random parts of your body pierced is the same concept. You have to care for it, you have to remind people not to come near that general area or be careful. If you do something with excessive movement you have to be wary of your surroundings so it doesn't get ripped out. If you're going to be working with detailed things like painting or sewing, you need to make sure the piercing (in this case wrist) doesn't get affected with the supplies. In both wearing sandals and getting something pierced, you are going to get commentary on your stupidity at one point or another. |
In response to BlackKingX
Your call, good luck finding a piercing place willing to do it though.
In response to Mr.Tophat
In response to Mr.Tophat
Mr.Tophat wrote:
Your call, good luck finding a piercing place willing to do it though. Well, a piercing place could be hard to find, but I'm sure if he offered to have a random stranger stab a needle through that general area he'd get at least one taker. |
In response to Mr.Tophat
Mr.Tophat wrote:
Your call, good luck finding a piercing place willing to do it though. Um...you do know you can get your penis and stuff pierced, right? It is not that rare. As a matter of fact it is so common that they have a name for it: Prince Albert. |
In response to Evil-Inuyasha
Evil-Inuyasha wrote:
It's the same idea with wearing sandals in places other than the pool or the beach. There's no LOGIC behind wearing sandals, it's a bad idea, but stupid people do it. If you want to run, you have to either run awkwardly or take your sandals off and run bare-footed. If something sharp comes near your foot you have no protection! They are actually rather uncomfortable too. Getting random parts of your body pierced is the same concept. You have to care for it, you have to remind people not to come near that general area or be careful. If you do something with excessive movement you have to be wary of your surroundings so it doesn't get ripped out. If you're going to be working with detailed things like painting or sewing, you need to make sure the piercing (in this case wrist) doesn't get affected with the supplies. In both wearing sandals and getting something pierced, you are going to get commentary on your stupidity at one point or another. Wow...just...wow. What the living hell are you talking about? Honestly? What do sandals have to do with getting a piercing. That was the worst analogy I have ever heard in my life. How do you have to protect your feet when wearing sandals anyway? Do you usually like to walk into piles of broken glass? Or do things from the sky usually just drop on your feet? I mean, give me a damn break. And no, nobody is going to comment you on your stupidity when you have your ears pierced. If you get your wrist pierced, well, that is a different story. I think it is stupid too. But why the hell would someone say you are stupid for getting your ears pierced? Hundreds of millions of people have it, and it is not stupid. It makes you look good, which is why you get it. Some people won't look good with it. If you take the piercing out, the microscopic hole will close within a week. No harm done. You see? Also, when you have your ears pierced, there is no reason to "protect" it. What the hell is going to happen? Do you ever hit your ear on a hook when walking by? No, you don't. And if you do, it would tear your ear off anyway without a piercing. Piercings on your ear are not the size of a friggin' lamp. I don't see what you are getting at. If you have a ring or a stud in your ear, there is no way anything can grab onto it unless someone wants to feel it. It does not get in your way at all. The only piercing I can see that will get in your way is if you pierce your wrist. And we all agreed, that is stupid. That is all. |
In response to Cavern
I'm being random, nothing more. The topic already went its course, so I'm just posting whatever popped into mind.
Oh and....I've seen hundreds of times in my life where an EAR piercing got ripped out. Some were just falling out, some were literally RIPPED out by some force. |
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
If you take the piercing out, the microscopic hole will close within a week. No harm done. Unless they got it gauged, which I think is even more stupid than wrist piercing...the big gauges, that is. |
In response to I4md4v0r
I4md4v0r wrote:
Unless they got it gauged, which I think is even more stupid than wrist piercing...the big gauges, that is. Actually, those close too. It takes about a couple of months though. It is a short process. What you do is, each week, you get a smaller, and smaller gauge since it keeps closing up. Then, it gets so small you can't put one in, then it closes up. So, still, no harm done. =D |
In response to Cavern
Oh xD Then my mistake. I should do some more research before saying things -_-
In response to Cavern
Unless, you know, it is a really crazy big gauge. the kind where you can let small animals sit in your earlobes, I am fairly sure that is permanent.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Unless, you know, it is a really crazy big gauge. the kind where you can let small animals sit in your earlobes, I am fairly sure that is permanent. What are we talking here? One of those African tribes that put holes in their ears the size of peoples' face's? Geez. I know a kid who has a gauge as big as a baby's fist. He had it for a good few years. One day, he decided to get a nice job so he let it close up. It only took a few months. The human body can regenerate, I hope you know that...(except for lost limbs that is). |
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
The human body can regenerate, I hope you know that...(except for lost limbs that is). A broken heart can never mend. :( |
In response to Cavern
Yeah I was talking about African tribes actually. Anyways, I know the human body can regenerate. Otherwise we would be screwed, but the human body can only regenerate so much before it has to stop.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Yeah I was talking about African tribes actually. Anyways, I know the human body can regenerate. Otherwise we would be screwed, but the human body can only regenerate so much before it has to stop. In the case of stretching the human body, IIRC, it will only "spring" back so far. It is kind of like when people get their body purged of fat and have extra skin. |
In response to Cavern
Actually, I have a 10 gauge, and I have to be real careful with how long I leave that out or itll close up. Maybe not fully, but enough that it hurts to put it back in. And thats just after a day or so. After a week, (two tops) the whole is virtually gone.
In response to Evil-Inuyasha
Yeah, my brother and I got in a fight once and I ripped his out. That was years ago though. By now he has let all his holes close up.