Oct 4 2007, 4:12 pm
I want a game of my own but I can't figure out how to make one. I've gone threw the dream maker beginner tuturals and I still don't get anything they're talking about! So can someone make my game for me?
Oct 4 2007, 4:20 pm
Are you SURE youve gone through every tutorial? Or what about the DM Guide?
Try it one more time: index.cgi?action=message_read&id=480301&forum=8&view=0 |
In response to Monkeykid0049
Well probally not every tutorial but still! This stuff is so confusing. I mean its not really even confusing its just, how am I suppose to reamember the steps and codes if I have no idea what it all means ya know? Any way my friend says she understands it and will help but just in case can you give me some good tutorails???
Try these tutorials. They are what got me started. Also, it would help if you looked up some basic programming information in general. Learning how to use if, for, and while are very important to programming.
In response to Charmed07
It's not like there is any one way to build a game. They aren't going to spell out how to make a Kamehameha wave line by line, variable by variable, for you because you can do it one of many ways. There really is no procedure to follow--you craft your own route.