Ok, so I finally installed Damn Small Linux on my laptop(No, not the computer I'm typing on). Why? Because Windows 2000(Yes thats right Windows 2000) kills my computer. Thats not a good place to be. Anyways, for those of you have no clue what I'm talking about Damn Small Linux is a Linux Distribution. There are many Distros and there are some that are even based off of others. Damn Small Linux is based off of two. Plus some code from GNU. Look it up on Wikipedia, its kinda cool!

Anyways, can anyone recommend me some software for my new operating system? Yes I realize Linux is no Windows and there are limited options. Anyways, I'm sure theres a few fun things I can do with Linux! So hook me up Byond people~

FlightGear - awesome linux/windows flight simulator

Theres a few mmorpgs just use google.
Unless your laptop is really old, why are you running Damn Small Linux? If it has even slightly reasonable hardware, it could probably run Xubuntu or Slackware or Debian with light window managers and applications.

Anyway, there are tons and tons of program available for Linux -- just see the Debian repository. Anything that can be compiled for Debian can probably be compiled for Damn Small Linux with enough work, if you're into that. If not, just install Debian and use the program apt to install whatever you want.
In response to PirateHead
My laptop was made in 1998 and has an AMD Athalon III processor with a PR rating of 500. I have a 5 gig harddrive and 50 megs of ram. So yeah... but if I can actually run something better than DSL that won't kill my computer feel free to tell me.
In response to WarLin
there are tons of software you can use with DSL (i've been using for a few years on an old Pentium 2 computer), just depends on what you want and/or need.
In response to digitalmouse
Your laptop is a great candidate for DSL like Digi and PirateHead said - theres tons of things for DSL.

It just the matter of either Google or a package manager.

Im pretty sure DSL has a package manager.