How do I transfer pokemon form like Ruby to Pearl?
get the pal park or w/e its called. i havent played this is a year but make sure u get the park thing and have ruby/sap/em in your ds.
In response to Naruto0727
Naruto0727 wrote:
get the pal park or w/e its called. i havent played this is a year but make sure u get the park thing and have ruby/sap/em in your ds.

You have to beat the game to get it also.
As far as I know, the right to transfer Pokemon from the GBA titles is reserved only to those who meet special requirements in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. You don't need anything else.
You need to see - not catch, see - all 150 or so Sinnoh-native pokemon. To see the 'opposite' legendary from the one you get, you need to beat the Elite 4 and talk to the old woman in Celestic Town, who'll show you a picture that counts. This shouldn't be that difficult - the game is set up to show you all the pokemon.

Once you've done that, go talk to the Professor-whose-name-I-can't-remember. You will unlock Pal Park, which is the southernmost landmark on the map (the one through the big water route south of the Professor's town).

Once you've unlocked Pal Park, put the GBA game pack in the DS, start up Pearl or Diamond, and there should be a 'transfer pokemon from game pak' option on the main menu. Select the six you want to transfer, head to Pal Park, and get 'em.
In response to Jp
You need to have seen all pearl/diamond pokemon which is pretty easy. As long as you have battled nearly everyone in the game from the beginning of your journey to your end, you find out you have completed :) That is what i noticed.