In response to Revenant Jesus
You know, I've been trying to be nice and just defending my current position Revanent but I think its time to tell you just exactly why the PS3 is going to dominate in 2008.
First off, since I hate Final Fantasy:
Final Fantasy 13 is exclusive to the PS3. This wouldn't be such a big deal if every square fan in the world wouldn't completely FLIP OUT and buy a PS3 as soon as FF13 comes out reguardless of its score.(Trust me, I know. I hang around these people.)

Unreal Tournament 3:
Yeah its Unreal, yeah its just another fighting game. Wrong. In history, there has been no console game allowing people to actually produce mods for it and have a service to letting people download said mods. This game is going to be huge and the PS3 gets it exclusively atleast for a time. It is going to be a monster of a game and you know it.

Killzone 2:
Unprecidented graphics. Its that simple. I've seen some of the screens for this and they're godly. Plus I'm positive sony has learned alot about what to do and what not to do from the other game. It looks absolutely tremendous and if you want to tell me its going to bomb you're just going to have to wait and see.

Metal Gear Solid 4:
After hearing news that Hideo plans to make this a PS3 exclusive game anyone who wants their fix of Solid Snake goodness(not badness) is going to have to buy one. Everyone knows the MGS series is a powerhouse and if you've ever played it you'd know why it does so well and why people spaz over it.

Free Radical is my freakin' idol.

If you want to tell my that my console is a failure you're going to have to get through all of those games first.

Revenant, you can tell me all you want that I'm just stupid but I'm still going to be having loads of fun while you're doing it~

Also, don't bother replying to this because I'm not going to answer.

Peace Out
In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:
You know, I've been trying to be nice and just defending my current position Revanent but I think its time to tell you just exactly why the PS3 is going to dominate in 2008.
First off, since I hate Final Fantasy:
Final Fantasy 13 is exclusive to the PS3. This wouldn't be such a big deal if every square fan in the world wouldn't completely FLIP OUT and buy a PS3 as soon as FF13 comes out reguardless of its score.(Trust me, I know. I hang around these people.)

Unreal Tournament 3:
Yeah its Unreal, yeah its just another fighting game. Wrong. In history, there has been no console game allowing people to actually produce mods for it and have a service to letting people download said mods. This game is going to be huge and the PS3 gets it exclusively atleast for a time. It is going to be a monster of a game and you know it.

Timed exclusives really don't count all that well.

Killzone 2:
Unprecidented graphics. Its that simple. I've seen some of the screens for this and they're godly. Plus I'm positive sony has learned alot about what to do and what not to do from the other game. It looks absolutely tremendous and if you want to tell me its going to bomb you're just going to have to wait and see.

You know, except for the fact that Kill Zone was was a let down to gamers too. Considering the fact that a number of their screens and videos Sony displayed were only FMVs or generated computer graphics that weren't really in game.

I keep hearing about how awesome PS3 is with their graphics. It is about time Sony either puts up, or shuts up, because right now, from the stuff I played and the stuff I've seen, I am not impressed.

Metal Gear Solid 4:
After hearing news that Hideo plans to make this a PS3 exclusive game anyone who wants their fix of Solid Snake goodness(not badness) is going to have to buy one. Everyone knows the MGS series is a powerhouse and if you've ever played it you'd know why it does so well and why people spaz over it.

I stopped playing Metal Gear a long time ago, because it simply isn't the Metal Gear I remember. Metal Gear isn't Metal Gear anymore. It is a cash cow. Of course it will do well. Just like Halo does well. That doesn't mean it is a good game.

Free Radical is my freakin' idol.

If you want to tell my that my console is a failure you're going to have to get through all of those games first.

Well, really I can tell you whatever I want to. Look at the current state of affairs, look at the industry and look at the reviews. Sony thought that they could force people into paying their ridiculous price tag and several months later they have been through a series of changes and price drops. Right now, the PS3 is the Nintendo 64 of the game industry.

Revenant, you can tell me all you want that I'm just stupid but I'm still going to be having loads of fun while you're doing it~

Same here. I have fun telling you that. Really, I don't even care to be honest. I plan on buying a PS3 within the next few months to be honest. But you are such a damn Sony fanboy, whenever I see you talk about them, I feel compelled to say something.

Also, don't bother replying to this because I'm not going to answer.

Peace Out

"Peace Out" is so 1998.
In response to Revenant Jesus
... Well I didn't reply about anything else so I think I'm safe >.>
In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:
... Well I didn't reply about anything else so I think I'm safe >.>

Man you lie so bad. I mean, I thought you weren't going to reply to me anymore. What else have you lied about?
In response to Revenant Jesus
My name isn't actually Warlin, Its Todd.
i've never heard of flow but it sounds like a game called spore. In Spore you start as a one cell organism and eventually develope into a race of organisms that take over planets.
In response to Beard
I thought that when I first heard of Spore, but it's absolutely nothing like Spore. Flow is a simple and quick game, with dynamical difficulty levels and flowing interface. Your organism grows and expands in a pretty set pattern, and there's no real choice in it's design. They do grow very well, and you get lots of different organisms to play, each growing and changing in its own way. At best, flOw can be compared to the first few levels of Spore, but it's really very little like it.

I really enjoyed flOw, for as short as it was, and I'm really, really looking forward to Spore(I've been keeping up with it since it was first announced, and that first 60 minute video came out.) Thanks a lot, Mr. Beard, you reminded me how much I really want to play Spore.
In response to WarLin
I'd like to start out by saying that all these games will be pretty big. I myself will be buying Metal Gear Solid 4 (to me it's not a PS3, it's just a really large and expensive MGS4 box). Most of these replies are just to highlight that the games do have flaws and it's possible that not all of them will succeed in bringing in the users the PS3 needs.

WarLin wrote:
Final Fantasy 13 is exclusive to the PS3. This wouldn't be such a big deal if every square fan in the world wouldn't completely FLIP OUT and buy a PS3 as soon as FF13 comes out reguardless of its score.(Trust me, I know. I hang around these people.)

Things have been going down hill with Final Fantasy for quite a while. People are still excited about new Final Fantasy games but the people who were hardcore fans around the time the PS2 was launched have been steadily moving over to just fans.
FFXIII may not do badly, but I don't think we'll see a FFXX. That sounds like a joke but with what the series has accomplished FFXX shouldn't have been a problem. It would be like if Nintendo stopped producing Mario games. It's really disappointing to think about.

Unreal Tournament 3:
Yeah its Unreal, yeah its just another fighting game. Wrong. In history, there has been no console game allowing people to actually produce mods for it and have a service to letting people download said mods. This game is going to be huge and the PS3 gets it exclusively atleast for a time. It is going to be a monster of a game and you know it.

There's no denying that it will be big, but will PSN rise to the occasion? It's fairly new. It's still working out some of the kinks. With the PS3 losing more money than expected they've got to be more careful about just throwing money at it.
In some ways Nintendo has the advantage here. People don't expect awesome online multiplayer from the Wii. PSN has to compete with XBOX Live, a paid service with a five year head start where the majority of the users got headsets either with their consoles or with their gold membership.
Unreal Tournament's modding scene may not counter the difference between the XBOX Live experience and the PSN experience.
Another thing that could potentially hurt this giant is that console gamers aren't so familiar with Unreal Tournament. Everyone who plays FPS PC games knows it, but for a huge section of the console gamer market it's just another multiplayer centric FPS.
The last thing to think about is that depending on how their mod sharing system works console gamers may not respond the way they'd like. PC gamers don't really mind going the extra mile for content, but console gamers want to play the game not go out searching the internet for downloadable content. I'd be an idiot if I said downloadable mods is a downside for Unreal Tournament, but I do think it has the potential to not be as massive an advantage as it seems at first glance.

Killzone 2:
Unprecidented graphics. Its that simple. I've seen some of the screens for this and they're godly. Plus I'm positive sony has learned alot about what to do and what not to do from the other game. It looks absolutely tremendous and if you want to tell me its going to bomb you're just going to have to wait and see.

This is the one title on the list I actually don't think will be a success. Only PS3 fan boys seem to really give a crap (I'm not trying to insult you by calling you a fan boy, if you love gaming your bound to love your console). It seems a lot like Lair in that sense. A solid game that people wouldn't normally be that interested in boosted to must have status simply because the console lacks exclusive must have titles.
That's a real shame. Not only does it hurt the console in the long term, but it kills games that could have made themselves a niche.

Metal Gear Solid 4:
After hearing news that Hideo plans to make this a PS3 exclusive game anyone who wants their fix of Solid Snake goodness(not badness) is going to have to buy one. Everyone knows the MGS series is a powerhouse and if you've ever played it you'd know why it does so well and why people spaz over it.

I'm a huge Metal Gear fan. It's got a huge fan base that's really excited about it. That said I think (again) they're doing what they did with Lair. It's being pushed on groups that probably don't dig tactical espionage action.
The characters and plot don't seem very newbie friendly. It's the closing game in the series, they're not going to dedicate much time to explaining things like Shadow Moses references.
Metal Gear Solid 4 can withstand that and come out shiny, but it's still going to annoy a fair few people who were told to buy a PS3 for it.

Free Radical is my freakin' idol.

This is only a timed exclusive isn't it? Either way I'm not hearing great things from people who have played it. A lot of 'it's got potential but nothing that will keep me playing' remarks. None of the XBOX 360 fans I know seem to care that it's coming over (but maybe it was just a bad choice to go multiplatform).
In response to DarkView
Actually, Sony bought exclusive rights for Haze. The 360 and PC versions were canceled!
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