var/list/faxes = new()
for(var/obj/machinery/faxmachine/F in machines)
faxes += F
return faxes
/client/proc/sendFax(var/obj/machinery/faxmachine/fax in get_fax_machines())
set name = "Send Fax"
set category = "Admin"
if (!istype(fax,/obj/machinery/faxmachine)) return
// Snippped to save space.
Problem description:
This is for space station 13, where you can right click on an object and get a list of procs and verbs etc.
Clicking on a mob gives you a freeze verb etc, I'm trying to add in a new one for sending in a fax to a object type (see above) however it' showing up on say /obj/structure/stool/bed/chair too see this image:
I was also suggested to add in this as an attempted fix by other devs:
/client/proc/sendFax(var/fax as obj/machinery/faxmachine in get_faxes())
I'm really new to this and I'm quite unsure how all of this works and the IRC is unsure also...
There's no way around it if you want to keep sendFax as a client verb.
Giving the sendFax verb to the fax machine object itself would remedy the issue, but then who knows how it'll work as an administrative command.