I am now able to host games. I will host a game for one person every day aslong as its not naruto/dbz/poke'mon related. if you want me to host it i will put up a blog on my byond site or you can e-mail at [email protected] i will be on aim.MSN works now you can contact me on it now at [email protected] . Currently
I'm hosting Wargames so 2morrow I'm shut it down and have the community to decide what i should host as long it not what i mentioned earlier. First person each day to tell we which game and give me url will be the game I host that day. Have fun on byond!
Feb 26 2008, 3:40 pm (Edited on Feb 27 2008, 4:33 am)
In response to Foomer
What kind of casual game would you like to be hosted?
In response to Demon27933
Doesn't matter to me. Just browse around and find something that looks fun. If you post something on the forum there saying that you'll be hosting it, I'll mention it on the main page.
In response to Foomer
I'll be hosting mafia give it some min for byond to bring up my server to see it
Failing that, you could host the BYOND Casual Game of the Week game for us. :P