Are there any .Hack games on byond? Ive been trying to search for some but i couldnt find any.
If they're are some, please send the link or tell me what game it is.

P.s. If there are any .Hack games, and if anyone needs a iconnist, contact me, eamil: [email protected] or AIM: PRussell1313

Shinowizzy wrote:
Are there any .Hack games on byond? Ive been trying to search for some but i couldnt find any.
If they're are some, please send the link or tell me what game it is.

P.s. If there are any .Hack games, and if anyone needs a iconnist, contact me, eamil: [email protected] or AIM: PRussell1313

MaxOmega Has one called "The World : R2". I suggest you look for that.
In response to Latoma
Oh, ok, thanks a bunch, and i have a question:

Why are people hosting their games on byond v4.0? i heard it was laggy and had lots of bugs.
In response to Shinowizzy
BYOND 4.0 is the current and official version. It's not very laggy to my knowledge, and although there are some outstanding bugs those are non-critical and are being worked on right now.

Give it a whirl before you believe everything you hear. =)
I am currently in the state of remaking R:2 right now. The old version has been closed down due to some issues. Look forward to it next week.
In response to Max Omega
Oh ok! Great! I just saw R:1 like.....1 min ago. :)
In response to Jtgibson
lol, alright.
In response to Shinowizzy
all i know is i cant wait 4 R:2 i remember playing it befor and it was my first ever game on byond and it is still my fav, :)
In response to ATXplaya
R:2 is so old! Now were in R:X