Ok, I'm a fan of the game. Theres one thing mission we need more players! If you join I will be glad to help you out and understand the concept of the game. My chars on Mlaas are Demon27933, SuperShooter, and Doom. This game is not new people just died away from a great game that should be bought back to life. At most we get like 10 players to play I remember it had 20 players 2-3 years back. I'm not posting this for any bonus I'm doing it on behalf to help Nadrew regain confidence in the game and to show to all Players what a great game it is. If you need just give me a shout I be gladly respond to your questions or problems. I hope to see you on the game!

My Life As A Spy was a pretty good game, and it had a good concept, but it had a lot of flaws in the game, it was hard to understand what you were supposed to do, and was vague in many areas.

I remember back when I played it, I used to spend all weekend playing MLAAS, but after awhile, it got boring really fast. The fact is, the game was pretty limited in some areas.

A good example was that it lacked any real kind of missions. You either delivered a package here, stole a package there, recovered intelligence from another Spy, yada yada yada.

It got boring really fast, and I ended up just getting a few guns and explosives and shooting everyone or blowing holes in the walls to other people's bases.

It wouldn't have even been that bad, but character progression was really slow too. You had to spend a lot of time. A lot of time to even get anywhere in the game, and all of the higher up spies, were so powerful it wasn't even funny. If you weren't the same rank as them, forget about it.

Another thing that bothered me (but didn't stop me from playing), was the graphics. They were pretty crappy, tile based junk.

Really, the whole game could really do with an entire make over, from the ground up, from game play, to concept, graphics and missions.

One idea I had, when playing was, yeah, you where always fighting with the other spy originations , but they were all player based. What if there was yet another spy origination, that acted as a base for missions and other events for all other player based spies? Perhaps, it is a really nasty origination that has been planning on taking over the known free world or some crap. You know, add a damn plot or something to the game, instead of, "Your a Spy, LOL".

At least with that, there could be missions starting from start to finish that were more like climbing stairs, instead of what it felt like, climbing cliffs. Sometimes it got really frustrating, I think that is what drove some players off.
In response to DBZ.Omega
Thing is I don't mind the graphics The game it's self is great. There are missions in the game you just need to know where to find them. Also game is limited to non-subscribers where they can on join the 3 main spy groups which are green, red, and black and can only rank to 11 (100%) but still then I liked it. I remember when i was first starting with my char demon27933 a green agent I use to get tormented by the white agency but that never stopped me. Now I got a purple rank 20 a white rank 20 a black rank 20 I hardly kill anyone or torment.
I'd rather play a game with tiled base graphics then a naruto game or dbz game Don't get me wrong i do play naruto games once in awhile but I would rather play a game I like over a game that has better graphics.
In response to Demon27933
Yeah, too bad the game was hard, ugly and bad at explaining what to do. Face it, My life as a spy could have been better, that is why people stopped playing it.
In response to DBZ.Omega
Actually, I like the simple graphics of MLAAS. I still play it on occasion. The reason it died was not because of a lack of playability, but a lack of updates. Had SkySaw stayed around, it would probably still be thriving.
In response to DBZ.Omega
Game was never hard. Also just because the graphics were bad doesnt mean anything. I like the game how it is and the way it was made. The only thing wrong is whites disc were never finished.
In response to Jamesburrow
Ok, Sksyaw couldnlt stay around. I've talked to him last month about the source. He told me he wouldnt be messign with the source. He's busy with music and work.
In response to Demon27933
Yeah, I know he couldn't stay around. I'm just saying, that if he had stayed, the game would be more active/popular.

When it gets to the point you have done every mission, and got to the highest ranks possible on all chars, it gets boring.
In response to Jamesburrow
In response to Demon27933
Nadrew really doesn't have enough time to update it, as he has said before.
In response to Jamesburrow
I actually have nothing but time now, maybe I should either get back into my redev project, or get in touch with Skysaw.