(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
if (!Players) Players = list()

Problem description: I'm trying to get instead of rebooting my entire game that on a round end or something that it sends everyone back to the Lobby instead.

I have the list all set-up, I just can't figure out how to teleport every single player in the game to the same spot.

Best response
What you wrote:
// When the round starts,

// If the Players list doesn't exist, initialize it.
if(!Players) Players = list()

// Get the instance of type /area/Lobby.

What you want, based on your description:
// When the round ends,
// Get an instance of the /area/Lobby, so we can move players to it.
var area/Lobby/lobby = locate()

// Do this for every player:
for(var/mob/player in Players)

// Send each player to the lobby.
player.loc = lobby
In response to Kaiochao
Thanks mate!