In response to ShadowPrince2008
He made the common mistake of replying to the bottom-most post in the thread, not anything to get super excited about.

Miran94, two piece of advice: one, look at the thread structure when you're posting, and pick a post to reply to that it would make sense to reply to in a conversation, if possible. Two, ask questions about Ubuntu on the Ubuntu Forums ( or the Ubuntu support channel (irc:// - many people are available at those places to answer your questions!
In response to PirateHead
Okay thanks.
In response to Alathon
And again a topic of this nature degrades into a 'my OS is better than your OS' argument -- you're not going to change eachother's minds, and you're just wasting space flinging the same argument back and forth. I'm closing this topic before it gets really ugly.
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