Diablo 3 has been announced ^_^.

For those who dont know: Diablo 3 is an online PC game in which the player chooses between 5 classes (only 2 have been released) and go out to fight against the forces of evil with your friends and buddys.

I always knew they were gunna make it!

Classes so far are Witch Doctor and Barbarian

Using 3D Graphics like WoW (because its fromt the creators of WoW)

I expect this game to become the best online game to date.

Diablo 2 holds the Guiness Book Of World Records Record for Most People Buying it in the first week of release (PC).
(Sorry I dont know the name of the record xD)

But I really am excited about this, they've already been working on it for 3 years.

Anyone else excited?

P.S. Ill keep you guys informed on the newest info about it.
This has been around for quite a while though thanks for bringing it up.

George Gough
In response to KodeNerd
Ya I know It got announced July 28th at BlizzCon
In response to Ganing
It's going to be great! But I can wait for it.
I just can't wait for the Starcraft 2 to come out.
Diablo III looks a little disappointing right now. They've thrown out a lot of the good, time-tested gameplay mechanics that really defined the Diablo series. I hope to hell that what they're doing doesn't strip the game of the series's feeling.

I do like what they're doing with the skill tree now though. Allowing a large number of skills is something that I like, though I hope that they manage to implement a system of specialization as well, so that everybody has a lot of skills but one or two that they are really proficient at.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Diablo III looks a little disappointing right now. They've thrown out a lot of the good, time-tested gameplay mechanics

I wonder why, but that makes me think of Oblivion.
In response to KeybladeHeart
HELLZ YES!!! both starcraft 2 and diablo 3 are gonna be huge hits as soon as they release... im just wondering who the witch docter replaced as far as the 5 classes... i hope its not the necromancer cuz he was my best character

and kaioken i think who ever said it reminded them of oblivion... they both are RPGs so... i dunno that might be it.
In response to Zeratul ultra
Bethesda did the same thing with Oblivion during development. As a result, Oblivion wasn't quite as popular among TES fans as Morrowind or Daggerfall.

Not saying that it wasn't a very good game in the end. It was still a lot of fun, however I personally couldn't keep myself interested in Oblivion enough to put in as many hours as I did with Morrowind.

But yeah, hopefully Diablo III's changes won't kill the game.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Bethesda did the same thing with Oblivion during development. As a result, Oblivion wasn't quite as popular among TES fans as Morrowind or Daggerfall.

Not saying that it wasn't a very good game in the end. It was still a lot of fun, however I personally couldn't keep myself interested in Oblivion enough to put in as many hours as I did with Morrowind.

But yeah, hopefully Diablo III's changes won't kill the game.

The good thing is that at least they are trying something new and not going to merely upgrade the graphics. Some studios would probably not even do anything with the gameplay.

George Gough
I've been looking forward to Diablo III ever since I saw the announcement a few weeks back. I think the gameplay video looks very professional (although the announcer pretending to be cool made me want to tear out his larynx with a meat hook), and the only aspect of the game which I find somewhat unappealing is the conversations -- which, if you've played Diablo II before, isn't really the point of the game. =)
In response to Jtgibson
Jtgibson wrote:
the only aspect of the game which I find somewhat unappealing is the conversations -- which, if you've played Diablo II before, isn't really the point of the game. =)

Which is why they improved upon it.
In response to Kaioken
But you know, Diablos dead, Baals Dead, Mephistos Dead, DAMMIT! Who are we fighting! the game is Diablo 3 so like Diablo HAS to be in it xD. He'll probably find a way back to tristram somehow...
In response to Ganing
Ive been a big Diablo fan but after number two i thought well this is the end they haven't really spoken about a third i thought the game was gone :( but now its back and i just hope its as good since most games go sour on there next release.

I got diablo on my psp :D.
In response to A.T.H.K

News Update: Diablo 1 & 2's Art Designer left, so the position is open. So the game may look different. (Everythign ihe's done to Diablo 3 so far is expected to stay)
In response to Ganing
Sure ill tell you question is what custom firmware do you have if any?
In response to A.T.H.K
Isnt firmware like a psp hacking system? Well i dont have it
In response to Ganing
No, it will not have a different look. The opening is because the art design is done, so the lead designer left to do an independent project. The style is already finished. Honestly, you have a blog, take these posts there.
In response to Danial.Beta
ya i kno...........................xD but everytime i post a blog they call me an idiot and tell me stop filling up space >_> I paid my 18 Im postin what i want xD
In response to Ganing
Don't listen to them when they say you are stupid. Unless you are doing something idiotic then just do what you wish and permit only members to post comments (that keeps some riff-raff out).

George Gough
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