Okay, I want to make a new game, but can't decide what I think people would be interested in. I would like it to be Action/Adventure Genre, but that is all I know for now. So I have some questions I would like peoples opinions on, and please give me YOUR opinion not the "Your Preference" answer.
1: Should the game be turn-based?
1.5: If not, what should it be?
2: Should the game have a story-line?
2.5: If yes, what should it be about? what time-line? some details about it.
I will probably come up with more questions later, but please give me some feedback about what you think.
Aug 24 2008, 7:29 pm
I don't know if those questions matter so much as what genre you're willing to make...
In my opinion, a good storyline is nice, though. |
In response to Naokohiro
I'm just trying to get ideas for a game, Most of the ones I come up with not many people like, or no one wants to help me work on it. That is why I am trying to get a majority of ideas about what people would like a game to be about. I would prefer it if people could give me full game ideas, that I could add onto and mess with how I want, but I think that might be asking a little much.
In response to Koriami
Real-time doesnt work as good as it should, atleast in my experience. There's some delay to it.
Turn-based works but it's a tad harder to make. |
2: Yes.
2.5: It should have ninjas (I don't have many ideas).