It seems ReactOS has been in development since 2006? And I like how it sounds, but apperently the support for it is still really crappy. Also to be honest the whole GUI is a really big eye sore.
Trosh Kubyo wrote:
It seems ReactOS has been in development since 2006? And I like how it sounds, but apperently the support for it is still really crappy. Also to be honest the whole GUI is a really big eye sore. The support for running Windows programs is actually not bad. It is getting much better by the day (what's that law of exponential growth?) and it's in alpha stages (regarding the GUI). It's going to get better, but not only that--it will be skinnable, you can be on it. I think the GUI looks nice, though. |
SuperAntx wrote:
You can't see a map you don't have installed on your computer. Er - In the beginning of the thread it was well established that you can download WoW and its expansions from any number of places. The software itself, as I've said, is not what you pay for. |
I wouldn't believe everything I read on sketchy haxx0rz sites which trick you into downloading a bunch of trojans. Don't you find it odd a person "hacking a live server" happens to be the only person in a heavily populated town?
The most you can do is is make your character glitch around, you can't just teleport around to content you can't reach. Warden catches everything anyway. Could you please link this lecture you watched? |
They might have been glitch teleporting around for all we know. But it would have to be a glitch in the game Blizzard hasn't caught yet. A good example is, you used to be able to dupe gear with wrapping paper, and this was a server side glitch you could do. I remeber a place in Storm Wind, if you jumped just right at a wall, you'd fall through the ground and go into a zone under Storm Wind. The only way out was:
1. Hearth Stone 2. Die 3. Walk to a near by lake and crawl out (terrain was low enough) Also another one was just the other night. I guess Blizzard screwed up in a patch and all of the Teir and Arena gear was free. Tons of people got full, free sets of really good gear. Of course Blizzard did gear resets or roll backs or whatever, but they didn't catch everyone. My friend was telline me how he and a few other people didn't loose the gear they got because of the glitch. I feel hacking a live Blizzard server is going to be next to impssoible. They make so much money, I am sure they afford tohave good security. |
Trosh Kubyo wrote:
I remeber a place in Storm Wind, if you jumped just right at a wall, you'd fall through the ground and go into a zone under Storm Wind. That's not hacking or teleporting, that's just poor map design. There are spots all over the place you can jump into and fall to the bottom of the map. |
Trosh Kubyo wrote:
I feel hacking a live Blizzard server is going to be next to impssoible. They make so much money, I am sure they afford tohave good security. I'm sorry, but I can't resist... According to this, Microsoft Windows operating systems are unlikely to have security leaks, whereas Linux is bound to be a havoc for your computer. Or, in other words, being able to afford something does not mean it is done. |
SuperAntx wrote:
That's not hacking or teleporting, that's just poor map design. There are spots all over the place you can jump into and fall to the bottom of the map. I once jumped into a dark, deep ravine as an Undead my first time playing and got stuck there. I didn't die for whatever reason and I just got to stick around in there. |
Also another one was just the other night. I guess Blizzard screwed up in a patch and all of the Teir and Arena gear was free. Tons of people got full, free sets of really good gear. Of course Blizzard did gear resets or roll backs or whatever, but they didn't catch everyone. My friend was telline me how he and a few other people didn't loose the gear they got because of the glitch. I actually went and bought my brother a copy of the Wrath of the Lich King at midnight last night. I ran into some... interesting people. Anyway, I heard them talking about this, and I remembered my brother mentioned about how something glitched and he got a bunch of free awesome stuff. They said that their gear got wiped later on, and I was going to take joy in telling my brother that his free stuff got deleted, and then laughing at him. Unfortunately, his gear was not deleted. I was disappointed. :( |
I was able to get on top of a mountain that I wasn't supposed to in outlands, and in doing so I found a patch of area with no land. I jumped in and fell... and fell... and fell. After about half an hour I finally hit the skybox or something(not sure how it happened) and was able to hearth. It was pretty cool.
Last time I tried ReactOS(earlier this year) it would crash shortly after bootup on their pre-installed harddrive image. Meaning, the couldn't even get a controlled environment to run, much less Windows programs.
Their support for Windows programs is increasing because Wine's support for Windows programs is increasing. Last time I checked, ReactOS was simply a Linux distro preinstalled with Wine, with some custom configuration. But if you are going to have a Linux distro, why not have a good one and add Wine in? With advances in Wine going at the pace they are, there is a good chance that in a year or two, non tech-savvy people wouldn't know that Linux couldn't run any Windows program to begin with. If Wine gets a little better, it will likely become a standard package in most distros. I think the biggest barrier right now is distros don't want to half support Windows applications. They want to either be able to say "We support most Windows programs, problem free!" or "Sorry, Linux doesn't run Windows programs.", not "Well, some of your Linux programs might work, but they'll still crash from time to time." |
SuperAntx wrote:
I wouldn't believe everything I read on sketchy haxx0rz sites which trick you into downloading a bunch of trojans. Don't you find it odd a person "hacking a live server" happens to be the only person in a heavily populated town? Heres the link, its by Greg Hoglund: DefCon 15 T206 - Exploiting online games for cash. It starts 'easy' and gets technical by the end. Minutes 22 or so and 30+ might be of interest. |
A bit more on topic....
Last night me and 13 guys went out and bought 1 copy of WotLK and of course... shared it. Shared as in placing it on the college's gaming network of computers. Then whoever wanted just syncs the WoW files from personal comps to the network and now everyone is running around at misc levels between 71-76. Free copy hooplah. |
Danial.Beta wrote:
Their support for Windows programs is increasing because Wine's support for Windows programs is increasing. Last time I checked, ReactOS was simply a Linux distro preinstalled with Wine, with some custom configuration. But if you are going to have a Linux distro, why not have a good one and add Wine in? ReactOS isn't a Linux distro at all. Its kernel is written completely from scratch. It is an attempt at reverse-engineering Windows 2003/XP. Wine and ReactOS have gained advancements in understand and running the Windows binary format due to cooperation (though I will go as far to say that most of ReactOS's advancements in the Win32 API are due to the large Wine community). |
And how did you all play? Right now from what I hear even the private servers that want to support WOTLK only support the beta that was leaked awhile ago. If you are trying to say you were playing on normal blizzard servers, I'll call your bluff. You can't even digitally upgrade to WOTLK yet, you have to buy the DVD to get a key for the game.
I'm just thinking he doesn't understand this computo-jargon you cra-a-a-azy kids are using these days.
According to Microsoft, Steve Balmer is a swell, stand-up guy. Take what they say with a pinch of salt.
Athene, the #1 best paladin of the world was illigitimatly banned by Blizzard at 79, just a few kills shy of reaching 80. The ban lasted for three hours and the character's level rolled back to 70. During that time Nymh snatched up the achievement.
Score one for Hazman!
I intend on giving ReactOS a test run when it gets out of its alpha stages. Unfortunately, that will take a grand while.