Know of any decent BYOND games that can be played single player? Mention them here so I can have them listed in my guild! (But double-check first to make sure they're not already listed.)

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of them out there that I just haven't played, simply because there are a lot of genres that don't appeal to me.

(PS, no anime games please.)
I've always enjoyed Jik's MageStones. Does it matter if it's based on a TSR boardgame?
In response to ACWraith
Meh, I think all those stupid extra turns that you get from doubles ruin the game (AI wins after moving like 4 times in a row! How fun is that?), but I'll add it anyway.
In response to Foomer
Ever thought about writing some tutorials on AI in DM? I'm not sure most people know where to even start with AI. Pretty complex subject (or can be, at least).

Or maybe some links:
In response to TheMonkeyDidIt
TheMonkeyDidIt wrote:
Ever thought about writing some tutorials on AI in DM? I'm not sure most people know where to even start with AI.

I wouldn't know where to start with an AI tutorial. AI seems to vary dramatically between games unless you're making something very generic like a roguelike. I'm sure the AI for chess and the AI for Hindrance won't have that much in common.

But then, I haven't clicked your link yet.
In response to Foomer
As a side note, it would be cool to see games like this with some extra-flashy interface stuff. I can visualize a game like this where you start off on a title screen displaying a medieval/fantasy tavern where, in the center of the room, a table with a group of characters sitting around it, or looking over shoulders to see what's happening.

Once you're through with reading the rules and such, you can click the join game button on the menu and you'll be taken to another scene where you're up-close to the board, with some other character standing around it. Maybe a dark hooded figure at the end of the table, presumable the owner of the game. From there you can see who the current players are, add AI players if desired, and when there are enough players you can click the start game button to get things going.

After that, you'd see a fancied-up version of the board, with perhaps some colored gems, housing or radiating their particular element, and the game resumes per usual.

I don't have a clue if anyone around here would know how to draw tavern scenes, but it would be cool to see something like that for a change.
SpaceTug can be played as a single player game. It needs to be put back on the hub.
Stick War has full single player support:

So does this:

and this: (even though its old, crappy, and unfinished)
I know of an RPG that I happen to be making. I have an older version on the Hub that I am re-coding right now. It is very much playable as 1-player. There is about 4-5 hours or so of gameplay per class. I even added multiple difficulties for varying challenges.

It is pretty much all on screen display and menus. It uses Dragon Warrior icons, equipment and spells. Potentially worth a look to see if you want to throw it up in your guild.

Here is the link to the hub.
I was also thinking about this, and thought of a nice solution. Most people don't start on single player games cause they don't know how! What would be nice for some people is if someone made a source for them to start there base work from. If you made something like a small RPG base that would allow people to make generic quests with changeable variables, or a side scrolling system etc... It would give them a platform to work off of and make a great original story and not have to worry about all the technical stuff!
I'm currently working on a game which should be both playable in singleplayer and multiplayer, though I'm not quite sure how fun it would be.

Here's a small little example of it, I guess:

I kind of stole your scrolling idea from you Roguelike since I liked it so much. Everything is done on the numpad, where the the * and / keys scroll through items and Numpad7 is an item's main attack, Numpad9 is the alternate, and + is to throw it. I don't believe I added in an alternate attack for anything other than the sword though, and I didn't add throw for anything yet either so it's all a work in progress.

The main intent of this was to create a Dungeon Crawler similar to Zelda (you honestly can't do much in the link I posted, there's no AI, the map isn't randomly generated, all you can do is attack mobs that just stand there).

So I guess I'm just requesting feedback and whether to finish this, I honestly don't know what to do with it. I also had planned to make it multiplayer but I think singleplayer is the best course of action if I ever finish it.

A map editor would be released alongside it too, I'd really like if I could recreate a feel of Zelda dungeons or something through this. The goal I guess would be to see who could get the highest score on each map (there's treasure chests and stuff...just not in what I uploaded) by killing the most monsters without dying and collecting the most loot.

[edit] Whoops, somehow managed not to include the interface in the upload.