My classes are FABULOUS!!!!!

1st block: Geometry
2nd block: US History
3rd block: Chemistry
4th block: Day Care Assistant
5th block: Btitish Lit
6th block: Technical Writing (Yearbook)
7th block: Foods (Cooking)

I get to cook, babysit awesome children, read, and work on yearbook. I am thrilled.
LOL, US history.
_> hey whats wrong with us history other then the fact we learn more about africa and england >_>
Sorry you have to babysit kids. :(

My comiserations!
Wow, doesn't sound that fun to me. But I guess you have your hobbies, have fun and good luck :P
Thankie! It should be so fun!
"2nd block: US History"

What, do you have like 3 classes and then you've finished the course? =p

Good luck with Btitish Lit, though.
Thats great. Glad to hear you've recieved classes you like. As for me, I'm still waiting for these employers to call. You'd think they'd hire a graduate over a high school student. I may have another 3 months of summer ahead of me.