In response to Cavern
I had a very long post to reply to you with, but after reading it, my sarcastic nature seemed ever so insulting, so I decided to scrap it. (It was a work of art though.)

So I'll sum up with: Yes, yes you can get addicted to Ice on your first hit. And no, no you don't have to have done a drug to know anything about it.

My first drag on pot didn't instantly give me undisputed knowledge on how it works and what it does to your system. Nor does your experience with 'near every drug out there' (I'll never believe this, by the way. No matter what you say) make you the be all and end all of knowledge on recreational drugs.

Ice is a highly addictive drug, and you can get addicted to it very, very easily. And in a lot of cases, that addiction can be on a users first time. Most commonly occurring in people who inject or smoke it.

For the record, addiction ends up your bodies dependency on a drug, but it starts off as "blimey, that was a bit of fun, I think I'll do it again relatively soon". The sheer fact OP is scared to death of what he's just done is proof enough that he isn't addicted. Paranoia is a fantastic reality check in situations like this. His lack of a good time is more than enough to take him out of the "blimey, that was a bit of fun" mindset and into a nice healthy "guh! I'm never doing that again ever!" mindset. Now all he needs is better friends.

As for my own personal drug experiences: alcohol, nicotine and pot are the only three recreational drugs I've done knowingly. (*sings* Never, never-ever, never sit your drink down. Never, never-ever, never sit your drink dooowwwn).
In response to Trosh Kubyo
Trosh Kubyo wrote:
Who would have thought BYOND was full of so many disgusting drug users?

As for you: There's a difference between trying drugs, and using drugs.

Using drugs denotes a common usage factor. Someone who uses often.

Trying drugs denotes an uncommon usage factor. Someone who tries drugs once or twice, but doesn't bother to do so again.

In BYOND's case, a lot of the people here (who are actually speaking truth...) are most likely to be triers and not users. Granted there are a couple of (now former) BYONDers I've known who have used drugs.
In response to PirateHead
Cooking meth isn't that hard, in a small town I lived in Oklahoma there was a really big meth problem. I am sure a high schooler would have access to the supplies to make it quite easily.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
And you never realized that your friends were selling fake meth?

Trust me, it was real. The thing is, my body handles all types of drugs very, very well. Usually what happens to other people on drugs happens to me in a lesser extent. I have no idea why that is. It could be because of how big I am (which is one of the reasons I took up bodybuilding), or just a luck thing. These kids wouldn't be the biggest drug drealers in the entire county if they were selling fake meth.
In response to Tiberath
Tiberath wrote:
So I'll sum up with: Yes, yes you can get addicted to Ice on your first hit. And no, no you don't have to have done a drug to know anything about it.

To be completely honest with you, I know that it is possible to get addicted to Meth on your first hit. It is not a hard addiction, but it is there. The reason I am telling him it is not, is so I can convince him it is paranoia so he can leave it alone, otherwise he will probably think he is some crack addict now and end up doing it again.

Odds are it is paranoia, but he also does have that itchy feeling. If he waits a couple of days he will be fine.

Tiberath wrote:
My first drag on pot didn't instantly give me undisputed knowledge on how it works and what it does to your system. Nor does your experience with 'near every drug out there' (I'll never believe this, by the way. No matter what you say) make you the be all and end all of knowledge on recreational drugs.

I didn't mean that doing drugs gives you end all, know all knowledge about them. I have just been around them my entire life and have done them for years. I still see it almost everyday, I just don't do it anymore. I do have a lot of knowledge about drugs, but that doesn't mean I know everything.

I haven't done all drugs. I misunderstood CapFalcon33035. He cleared it up for me though. I thought he was talking about the usual's, you now, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, etc.
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
These kids wouldn't be the biggest drug drealers in the entire county if they were selling fake meth.

Well, I don't know, but you'd be surprised. I knew a couple of kids who made BIG bucks selling LSA as "watered-down LSD" for "safer dosing" and yeah. It was a genius scheme until one acid user disproved the product saying it was really nothing like LSD and had a much higher body load.

But think, if you only got meth from one guy... you'd think his meth was real meth too.
Yeah, I know how you feel man(Not personally with meth, but i've popped two quad stacked orange puma's before, which is close enough). The addiction you feel is just it inside your system, its the same with most drugs like yayo and ecstacy, the only way to let it go is to ride it out. I would not suggest telling ANYONE you did meth, as that will [expletive deleted] your life over backwards. I'm sure it set you straight, usually that happens with heavy drugs, just don't ever try it again, which is hard to do, but you can do it. Probably by now your not feeling the meth effects though, and you probably didn't get any sleep at all. But soon you'll crash and sleep it all over and within a week all the bad feelings will have gone. Just stick to lower drugs and when anyone pulls out meth, pcp or heroin(Most others are good) just say no to that [poop].

When tripping don't have bad thoughts though, thats the thing that [expletive deleted] you up and makes you worry even more and have an even worse trip. Just chillax and enjoy the rest of your ride(If your still feeling it) cause your gonna be alright.
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
PirateHead wrote:
And you never realized that your friends were selling fake meth?

Trust me, it was real. The thing is, my body handles all types of drugs very, very well. Usually what happens to other people on drugs happens to me in a lesser extent. I have no idea why that is.

It's called "cut down drugs we give to our friend who doesn't know any better." You've been had.
In response to Bakasensei
Your advice is terrible, and for the sake of argument, I'll explain why.

"I think I may have an addiction to Crystal Meth" - 'Well don't tell anyone about it!'

That's a terrible idea. If the guy thinks he's in trouble, not telling anyone is absolutely the wrong thing to do. If you think you're in trouble, then you seek help. It's common sense, and for a good reason.

Just stick to lower drugs and when anyone pulls out meth, pcp or heroin(Most others are good) just say no to that [poop].

Even more terrible advice. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, just do other potentially addictive drugs that have a lesser effect". You are aware that once a drug dependency gets strong enough that the user finds themselves taking increasingly large amounts for a fix, they just move onto the stronger drugs, right? Your advice will lead him down a dark path if he isn't careful (which most young drug triers aren't. You know, every young person has a god complex that puts mine to shame.)

Advocating drug use is a terrible thing to do. It's fine if you want to do drugs. I have no problems with this, but trying to get others to do so is wrong. Especially on a gamers website. "Mummy, I'm just reading the BYOND Forum" - "... Don't do Crystal Meth it's bad. Do Ecstasy instead!? Like hell you are Jimmy, go to your room!"

Remember, your experience with drugs is not everyone's experience with drugs. So you have a high tolerance to them and don't get addicted very easy. Or you have a good time on them and don't feel any particular need to do them again in any hurry. Doesn't mean everyone else is in the same boat. Mistakes often lead to other mistakes unless corrected and quickly. Avocation is never a good idea.
In response to Kalzar
Opium actually caused the downfall of China in the 1830's.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
It's called "cut down drugs we give to our friend who doesn't know any better." You've been had.

Um, I've actually helped him cut down some drugs. I don't know what kind of friends you make, but I don't hang out with idiots who intend on screwing me over. I had it when it was almost pure. How do I know? Because I would go with him when he picked up, and we'd do it right after. You cut down drugs when you are selling them to kids off the street. I would also do it with my friend, and I don't think he would cut it down and then take it himself. Sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it?

The kid we picked up from might have cut it down a bit, but I highly doubt it was that much. To be honest, you have to cut down all drugs a little bit, because if it's 100% pure the people who made it wouldn't make much profit off of it and sometimes it is so pure that it kills people. Same goes with cocaine. When people say they have "good crap" (trying not to curse) it pretty much means they have drugs that aren't cut down as much, so it's more pure, which makes it better, and gives you a better high. Why do you think big time drug dealers taste the cocaine first before they buy it? They want to see how pure it is before they buy a crap load of it. If it's too cut down, they aren't buying anything.

All drugs are cut down, whether you believe it or not. They have to be otherwise nobody would make that much profit off it.

My friends would literally have pounds of everything, we'd take it straight from the bag and do it. We were the ones who cut them down and then they went out and sold them.

I mean, damn. The guys who actually make the stuff cut it down before they sell it. It is never, ever 100% pure once it leaves the hands of the people who made it.

There are the guys who sell metro tons, the guys who sell kilos, bricks, pounds, the guys who sell ounces and small bags. The more it goes down, the more cut it gets. My friends were the ones who sold the pounds, so it was hardly cut down as much. Then at night, we'd go in one of our basements, and they'd shut off their phones, and we'd do whichever drug. So don't tell me they cut it down and gave it to me, because that is just stupid. However much cut down it was when they bought it is what we did. Then we'd cut it down more and sell it. It's as simple as that.

The point is, is I have a very high tolerance for drugs. I don't get addicted as easily. Obviously when I did Meth, I was up all night and we kept doing it. It's not like I went straight to bed an hour after I took it. Then I wouldn't do it for like 5 to 6 months, and then I would maybe do it again. I didn't become a crack addict and do it everyday for years.
Have you ever gotten addicted to something you've only done once? Just be glad you got to experience meth once in your life, and don't go back to it; don't do it again if you're so concerned about it. Regular meth usage is the wrong road in my opinion man, unless you want to look like an 80 year old with no teeth when you're 25! Tell your friends to get a clue and start smoking weed like all the cool people.

Seriously though, if you're going to do recreational drugs, just do weed. If you want to experiment with other drugs, read up on erowid about them first. I would never recommend trying cocaine, heroin, or meth, although I know plenty of folks who have done these who are not hopeless addicts. [EDIT] Oh yeah don't touch PCP unless you want to run around the streets naked, punching old people for grapes [/EDIT]

Will-power over addiction... just don't start believing that you can dance with the devil every weekend and maintain your control!

tl;dr version: smoke more weed

I don't particularly find the subject of whether drugs are dangerous or not of interest to the whole BYOND community.
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