I have made some scripts for counter-strike, using aliases and binds. These scripts include: Walk Toggle, Duck Toggle, Crosshair that changes color when you shoot, mouse sensitivity that swiches to 2 when crouching and swiches back to 4 when standing, mouse sensitivity that swiches to 2 when shooting and swiches back to 4 when you stop, and there will soon be buy scripts, that buys a specified weapon or set of weapons with one keypress or click. These are all organized into the built in GUI menu, which is opened by pressing the Activiate In Game GUI button (default H), which can be changed in the control menu in options. You can manually bind the keys using the instructions presented in the console (press ~ after opening CS) or use the aforemensioned GUI menu. Simply place these 2 files in the cstrike folder of yourusername/gamename/cstrike. For example,


And start the game up, open the console, Huzzah!
Download the scripts here.

And as for the meaning of life. It is here.