Lft 4 Ded to r gona be teh gratest gme evar!
No, not really but the trailer of Left 4 Dead 2 has me pumped. I liked L4D1 to an extent but the only things I have problems with are the map designs. Those are just ripoffs from the single player variants.
In response to Forerunnerz
Forerunnerz wrote:
Those are just ripoffs from the single player variants. Umm, what? The singleplayer and multiplayer campaigns use the exact same maps because they're exactly the same, except multiplayer allows other players. The versus maps change slightly, but they're still extremely similiar. |
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Forerunnerz wrote: If when you say 'extremely similar' you mean 'completely identical', then yes! I have never seen a single difference in the maps, but then again I'm not one to pay attention to detail. |
In response to AJX
No, I do not mean completely identical. I mean extremely similiar, which is the reason I've used those words. The maps do vary slightly between campaign mode and versus mode, to make it easier for the special infected to get into better positions to attack.
In response to Popisfizzy
Primarily it was to remove spots that ended up being "sit here, hold right click to win". And various other exploits that could get you past certain areas (could skip two panic events on Dead Air, and the entire first building on No Mercy).
In response to Garthor
Never noticed those ones. I mostly remember the addition of back tunnels on the first crescendo event in Death Tool (in the ridiculously big sewer, with the bridge thing), the opening of the wall on the crescendo at the church on the same, and the removal of the walls around the staircase on the finale of No Mercy. I know I've caught other spots, but I don't remember them.
Falacy wrote:
but I can't remember talking to a single person who didn't regret paying 50 dollars for 4 hours of repeatable game-play. Are you kidding me? It's one of my most favorite games of all time. I was putting in about 20 hours a week for about 4 months into that game, it's so great. What makes the game is learning to perfect all the special infected. Pouncing on people from across the map is very gratifying. After playing it, and seeing how fun it is, I'd be willing to pay 100 bucks, let alone the 40 I originally paid. |
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
Smoko wrote: Ok, I'm thinking a few of you guys have never played this game seriously. Playing with AI is about annoying as it gets. The game is absolutely the pinnacle of fun when you play with a good team who knows what their doing. |
In response to Jerico2day
Jerico2day wrote:
Ok, I'm thinking a few of you guys have never played this game seriously. Playing with AI is about annoying as it gets. The game is absolutely the pinnacle of fun when you play with a good team who knows what their doing. I don't doubt that it's much more entertaining when you're playing with real people. The thing is though, I usually only play games in short bursts (30 minutes or so at a time) because my attention span is horrible. So I tend to stay away from online games, especially team based ones so I don't end up inconveniencing people and ruining their fun. Some other things that stop me is my internet connection randomly lags out and our cordless phone sometimes kills the internet when used. |
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
I don't doubt that it's much more entertaining when you're playing with real people. I haven't played L4D, so I can't exactly comment on the game itself. But in terms of playing games with other people, I find that most games are more enjoyable when a group of friends is with you. |
In response to Jerico2day
Jerico2day wrote:
Ok, I'm thinking a few of you guys have never played this game seriously. Playing with AI is about annoying as it gets. The game is absolutely the pinnacle of fun when you play with a good team who knows what their doing. If you play with a group of pre-determined friends, who are all good at the game, and who all have mics, then it can be fun. If you join a game however, you usually end up with a group of complete noobs, that have no way to communicate besides typing, which just makes them a hindrance. The AI never friendly fires, they have 360 degree sight, and they always stay near you to help out. JP pointed out some valid flaws with the AI however [link] |
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
If you join a game however, you usually end up with a group of complete noobs, that have no way to communicate besides typing, which just makes them a hindrance. but that's with *any* game, not just L4D. |
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
but that's with *any* game, not just L4D. Yea, but very few games force you to rely on those noobs to survive. I can end up with a complete crap team in CoD4 and still accomplish plenty. They make good decoys =P And at absolute least most other games aren't communication reliant. There are a lot of times in L4D that calling for help over a mic is the only thing that saves your life or alerts others of incoming special zombies. Stopping to type something in general just makes you vulnerable to attack and causes you to fall behind. |
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
They make good decoys =P yes they do! good point. (i'm an ioUrbanTerror fan, myself http://www.urbanterror.net/) |
In response to digitalmouse
Good thing I work at GameStop(I f***ing hate it) and get free keys from the floor all the time. L4D was fun the first week I had it. It's still fun when I play with my friends online. Or you can enable cheats and spawn Witches and Tanks to mess with. =]
In response to BlankSSJ
BlankSSJ wrote:
Good thing I work at GameStop(I f***ing hate it) and get free keys from the floor all the time. If that means what I think it means, it's slack and you suck. |
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
BlankSSJ wrote: I can't see how Game Stop manages to stay in business. I stopped shopping there a long time ago. People must be insanely desperate to sell their games to them. Buy it new for $60, they buy it back for $5, then the put it back on the shelf for $55 "used"... what a deal. Not to mention most of their used games look like somebody attempted to flush them down a toilet. |
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
Smoko wrote: Contrary to my experiences at video rental stores, the GameStop I go to has yet to sell me a disc that's any worse than two surface scratches from pristine. I bought Mass Effect, Gears1, Ace Combat 6, and Assassin's Creed for $40 alongside my 360 last January and they were all in near perfect condition. I'm planning on going back eventually for Gears2, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Call of Duty 4 and probably L4D; games I rented over the last few months and that I want to make a career out of online play with. |
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
digitalmouse wrote: The rule of online shooters is that having allies gives the enemy more people to shoot at, and that's generally all most random server occupants are good for. The only games I really played heavily online were Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and L4D, and everybody seems to think that they're a flippin' ace and runs off alone. In Rainbow Six, this means wasting spawns, and in L4D, it means losing the game entirely. I've yet to play either game with a group of people that mesh well with how I play, so mission success is elusive at best. It takes several months to scrape together a juggernaut team that play well enough for you to get to enjoying the game, and in the meantime you get to deal with the droves of squeaky-voiced, ammo-wasting, item-restricting, excuse-spouting, hothead dimwits that comprise the online player base. |
Why didn't they release L4D2 as an expansion? They didn't want to have to deal with all the crap. So, the way I see it, they're just giving gamers what they wanted: "let me play the game I bought!"*
I am still hoping they offer a discount for L4D owners, but I hold nothing against them for taking this course; it lets them take what they've learned from the first L4D, and make the second L4D more true to their vision (the gameplay didn't turn out at all as the developers had hoped it would. I remember the first week the game was out, before closet/corner camping and shiva stacking. The game was actually scary!)
(*An actual quote from when they added the cooldowns, I swear)
Also, for all of those that hate the matchmaker, add "-serverbrowser" to L4D's launch options, and you can use the good ol' source server browser from the menu. You can also type "openserverbrowser" into console to get to it.