For some reason, when i tried to download the update fromt he pager, it refused to download. It kept coming up with an error saying something about a program still being open and that it was not able to be downloaded. I did download it directly from the site but i was wondering if that was a computer issue or a general issue. I ended every problem that i had running that was even remotely close to BYOND. So im not sure what it was talking about...

Also when i updated i got a message from Vista telling me that it wasnt installed correctly and asked if i wanted to install it again. Which i did. When i opened the file i found that there was a missing tab. Control Panel i think it is. I was just wondering if that is a error on my part or a new feature. I looked in the notes for the update and it wasnt specifically mentioned. So i figured id just ask the people on here and find out. If its a problem with the download then id like to get it fixed of course. And if not then great! ^_^
This should be in BYOND help, not the developer forums.

You need to run BYOND as an administer in Vista, I had the same issue.
In response to Jeff8500
Im not asking for help. And im not reporting a bug... I downloaded the software already i was just wondering if it was a problem others were having or just me. And i am running my computer under Administator... So i dont see how that would affect me.
In response to Moussiffer
No, you need to run BYOND as an administrator, there's a difference; in Vista, programs can be run as administrators.

And it kind of sounded like a cry for help to me!
Moussiffer wrote:
"I did download it directly from the site but i was wondering if that was a computer issue or a general issue."
"So i figured id just ask the people on here and find out. If its a problem with the download then id like to get it fixed of course. And if not then great! ^_^"

Sounds like a cry for help? O_o

Lol... And i should rephrase that. I do run BYOND as administrator which is why i dont see why it woulf have affected me. Either way it is downloaded. But what about the loss of the Control Panel tab?Is there a different way to access what used to be featured there?
In response to Moussiffer
I really don't know, take it to BYOND help.
In response to Moussiffer
You can access the Control tab by going into the "My Hub" menu and selecting "Active Worlds..."