So I received some money in the mail, and I was thinking of using the money to build a desktop computer for my at home needs. Now I only have a $300 budget so I'm looking for a good website that I can buy the parts for the computer.

Any suggestions? is a site with a bunch of people obsessed with finding ultra-cheap pices on everything, including computer parts. If you browse the site periodically you'll see lots of good deals on computer parts, even if they're not always what you want. sounds like it has most of the best deals.

I also recommend buying refurbished stuff if you want a better deal, although I don't know how warranties are handled with this.

Aside from that, some of the little insignificant things you might purchase on craigslist.
In response to Foomer
Well Amazon is a site I use a lot, aswell as ebu yer.. Might want to try them.
In response to Qubic deals with euros, I don't think I will go there.
In response to Lundex
Okay, just to see if I can get more information, what country are you in? Since I am a UK Citezen, I know more about the UK Computer sites..
In response to Qubic
I'm a US citizen.