![]() Jan 4 2010, 12:36 pm
Would people rather see isometric or our standard top-down games?
![]() Jan 4 2010, 1:26 pm
I want to see games that aren't anime.
i'm indifferent towards isometric vs top-down; we don't have any real isometric games yet, so it would be nice to see some.
mainly i want to see games that (like tabishi said and everyone else will say) aren't anime |
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
I want to see GOOD fun games. Oh really? Cuz I want a bad boring game! Thx for your contribution, the guy knows what to create now :) [On Topic] A nice side scrolling game would be cool, and about the iso thing, I think, since there aren't any iso games out yet, it would nice to play and test |
Abrax wrote:
Oh really? Cuz I want a bad boring game! Exactly, he shouldn't make what other people want, he should make whatever he wants and if we like it, good for us. |
I find the choice utterly irrelevant because my taste in games is not based on the perspective. A fun game is a fun game regardless of whether its top down or isometric. Just go with whatever perspective you find easier to work with and create art for, or just whichever perspective appeals to you.
Also, some games cater well to the isometric perspective while others are easier done top-down, so the style of game you want to make would be a big factor. I want to see GOOD fun games that aren't anime or zombie related. |
I wouldn't mind seeing anime or zombie games. Just as long as they aren't repetitive to the rest of BYOND's submissions.
I think we can agree that Dragonball/Z/GT, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and Avatar has already been made. Try getting some other anime going. I'd love to see a good Black Lagoon or Gundam or Rurouni Kenshin game or other widely known anime. It's the repetitive game designing (also rips), that makes BYOND boring for a lot of us. Zombie games are great. There is a huge fan-base for Zombies. But to rip Resident Evil is old. VERY OLD. Falacy attempted to step away from RE and that's all nice and whatnot. But the game doesn't attract a lot of peoples' attention. If you want to base a game on a zombie movie or whatever, try Dawn of the Dead or Shaun of the Dead. I'm pretty sure a lot of us would love to just explore instead of fighting waves upon waves of repeated stuff. Also the whole, "Gun Upgrade" crap has to go. I mean c'mon. That's a bit overused. Yeah you can attach a silencer, scope, extra magazine and whatnot. But actually taking a grenade launcher that wasn't designed to be fully automatic and making it... >_> I don't need to finish that sentence. We have enough 'fantasy' games but we lack on 'realistic' games. If your town was taken over by a flood of undead, I highly doubt you'll be able to find a .50 caliber sniper rifle almost every step you take. Try making a zombie game where you require to survive and not just shoot zombies all the time. (Eat, sleep, drink, shower and whatnot.) Grab a metal pole that was on the ground, open a broom closet and grab the broom. Hey look, this war vet had a double barrel in his garage, grab it. Yeah... Include the cool weapons, but design a system so it's not directly at the players' fingertips. (Maybe they need to invade a armory or gun shop.) Dawn of the Dead did a good job with zombies. I liked RE but it wasn't realistic and we already have fantasy zombie games. Shaun of the Dead was comedy. Instead of going all out on action, try making a cartoonish zombie game worth laughs instead of "Hey Bob, I killed over 9,000 zombies in 5 minutes. What'd you do?". There are some great Role Playing games coming out or already out, so it's a bit hard to get a good RPG unless you are creative/original. Some more casual games would be great. AZA hosted a Space-Game contest. I think some more Space/Future related games would be great. I believe someone attempted to host a Water Theme contest. I don't see much water related games. I guess if you boil it all down, it's not what the game is based on, it's how creative/original it is. Take a look at the Now Live lists and jot down some ideas that every/most games don't have. Incorporate that into your game, and if it's a good thing it should be to your benefit. |
I wouldn't really tell that Avatar game has been made, log kicking isn't a game.
Personally I have idea for RPG Fantasy game, and Shaman King game (general idea of it), also writing down ideas for Avatar game (not log kicking or same skill spam to level it), however, ideas are worth nothing if there are no people, who can turn them into reality. I can code, but at iconing I'm nothing, every single icon I make looks worse than previous. |
Ripiz wrote:
I wouldn't really tell that Avatar game has been made, log kicking isn't a game. If that's the case... Then most games don't exist. EDIT: There's also a lot more than 1 Avatar game. So it's hard to tell which one you are talking about. |
The BASG (Build-A-Space-Game) contest I was a part of for a short time, but I realized I was just in it for the prizes which was worthless as it's essentially a raffle but with effort involved.
There is one with host function available, you start almost next to logs, and other was with horrible UI and many on-screen elements, that one was little better, but it still was mindless repetitive action, haven't seen it online anymore.
Kozuma3 wrote:
I want to see games that have a nice and fun community :D A community that is small and not vast and fun can be a result of not many people playing that game. Or that game could be new. I think all games need a chance and not one based on whether or not there are 100+ people online. |
Either. I just want to see a good game put out, as it's going to be awhile before I finish the design documents to where people (read: pixel artists) would want to look through.
I'd like to see a game such as the super mario game for the Wii where the players side scroll across the screen and try to obtain more coins than the other player. A nice system for creating and joining games would be a plus.
Tabishi wrote:
Kozuma3 wrote: You make it sound like crap. what i meant was just fun games with alot of friends on or people who are kind and nice. ~Simple~ |
Foomer wrote:
I find the choice utterly irrelevant because my taste in games is not based on the perspective. A fun game is a fun game regardless of whether its top down or isometric. Just go with whatever perspective you find easier to work with and create art for, or just whichever perspective appeals to you. I say more zombie DBZ games! But for me, it's 70% content and intriguingness and 30% presentation/polish. I think there's a lot of interesting stuff out around here but the important thing is to keep thinking differently and experimenting with the performance and presentation of new projects (especially in the era of 4.0). As long as we're taking steps forward and realizing new capabilities (or improving existing ones), we'll get more high profile games. There seems to be far more back and forth about the graphical capabilities of Byond 4.0 then there was last time I frequented the forums regularly (which was a while ago). |