Does anybody else think that in Classified Ads that there are way too many people that advertise for help on a game but can barley program, just rip off code from sources, and even if they are good at iconning they dont do anything except the base. They want to have someone else do all of the work for them.
My suggestion is that people should have to post a link to a copy of a host file to actually see the persons progress. Got icons without code? put them randomly around. Not a member? use some kind of uploading site and post the link (sorry dont know if this is allowed or not, if not ill remove that sentence).
Jan 18 2010, 4:18 pm
Darkjohn66 wrote:
and even if they are good at iconning they dont do anything except the base. You're lucky, I didn't get even base 0.o And that's almost the only thing I need right now |
Since apparently my strike-out explanation isn't good enough, I'll rephrase:
The problem is not with Classified Ads, its with BYOND's player base. Therefore changing Classified Ads won't fix the problem. Also, Classified Ads supports a wide range of requests, so imposing specific demands wouldn't make sense for a lot of requests. You don't need to see someone's game to write music for it, for example, especially if you're getting paid. Personally I would rather see Classified Ads setup more like craigslist, where you only see a row of topics listed on the forum, and each topic contains the ad and some contact information. If you're interested in the ad, you use the contact information. No clutter, no arguments, no mud-slinging. |
In response to Foomer
I would very like to see the enforcement of [Paid]/[Unpaid] tags post topics. A lot of sites like Pixel Joint don't even allow ads without them.
In response to SuperAntx
SuperAntx wrote:
I would very like to see the enforcement of [Paid]/[Unpaid] tags post topics. A lot of sites like Pixel Joint don't even allow ads without them. I would like to have tags for ads too. Having tags to differentiate between asking for help and offering services would be good. |
In response to Foomer
If people want to warn others [xx] member is trying to sell ripped artwork/programming, let them. Deleting those posts just spreads more rips and makes BYOND look worse.
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
If people want to warn others [xx] member is trying to sell ripped artwork/programming, let them. Deleting those posts just spreads more rips and makes BYOND look worse. Personally I think having a bunch of posts with people accusing each other of ripping makes BYOND look worse. |
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
If people want to warn others [xx] member is trying to sell ripped artwork/programming, let them. Deleting those posts just spreads more rips and makes BYOND look worse. I highly doubt having members of this community pestering other members for ripping will help decrease the amount of rips seen on BYOND. I never check the Classified Ads, but I would assume the post that includes ripped content tend to get ignored by those who are seriously looking to buy art or looking for work. Either way, there will always be rips, so we must move on. |
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
SuperAntx wrote: Given the absolute lack of response I've received for a VERY generous offer (Who else is offering up to $100 for icon work?), I'm inclined to think that classified ads is a joke. Paid vs Unpaid doesn't matter when people simply want "GM" for supplying a handful of ripped icons. |
In response to Gakumerasara
There is a reason im using diff acc... anyways, what if somebody made some site called something like, unless byond was willing to change it a bit... sorry if im going off of forum rules if i am this post can be deleted just dont close it please 0.0
In response to Darkjohn666
Darkjohn666 wrote:
There is a reason im using diff acc... anyways, what if somebody made some site called something like, unless byond was willing to change it a bit... sorry if im going off of forum rules if i am this post can be deleted just dont close it please 0.0 What would happen? Not many people, if any, would use it. Thus, posting an ad on a 3rd party site would result in no response. |
In response to Gakumerasara
Gakumerasara wrote:
Given the absolute lack of response I've received for a VERY generous offer (Who else is offering up to $100 for icon work?), I'm inclined to think that classified ads is a joke. I'm going to assume you're referring to this ad. The problem with those big money contracts is they require a lot of time and commitment. Most developers are notorious for jumping from project to project, never finishing anything. How can you expect someone who can't finish their own project stick with yours? The ad is also somewhat poorly formatted. Grammar aside, you fail to list any specifics about the icon besides it needs to be in 8 directions. You don't specify how large the icon is or how many frames it needs to be. Most importantly you say $20-$100 depending on the quality and quantity of the icons. You're basically saying if you don't like what the artist makes you're going to pay less than what it's worth, that's if you pay at all. The whole "number of icons" and a payment roof is really just a bad way to go about it. You need to have that icon broken down into a base, weapon sets, and armor sets, then figure out how much you're going to pay for each frame of each set. Pay on a set by set basis. |
In response to SuperAntx
SuperAntx wrote:
The ad is also somewhat poorly formatted. Grammar aside, you fail to list any specifics about the icon besides it needs to be in 8 directions. You don't specify how large the icon is or how many frames it needs to be. You don't think that an enterprising icon creator would say "Gee, I can spend the time to make 1 frame to see if it passes muster, and if it does, I can finish the icon and get paid a considerable amount"? When was the last time you got paid $20 for a BYOND icon? I want to see what people are capable of, which is why I left it vague in the first place. If you've ever played Vengeance 56 (see: link to V56 in ad), then you know that icons are scaled; thus, pixel size is irrelevant as long as the scaled version looks good (e.g.: Wolfenstein 3D in ad). Most importantly you say $20-$100 depending on the quality and quantity of the icons. You're basically saying if you don't like what the artist makes you're going to pay less than what it's worth, that's if you pay at all. The whole "number of icons" and a payment roof is really just a bad way to go about it. I need about 5 icons. 5X$20 = $100, which is why there's a payment roof. I don't care if you make 5000 icons, I'm only going to buy 5 for $20. And if your icons aren't that great (see: quality sample), then we're talking ~$10 per. The fact remains, I said that if people are interested in actually getting paid to make icons (gasp!), they should contact me and we'd work out the details. From the complete lack of response and the overwhelming lack of paid content on BYOND, it's clear to me that offering cash for original work is nigh pointless (see: rips). You need to have that icon broken down into a base, weapon sets, and armor sets, then figure out how much you're going to pay for each frame of each set. Pay on a set by set basis. Wrong: all of the information was in my original post. "to add multiple mobs each with 8 direction states Additional icon states for walking and attacking will also be necessary." I need 1) standing still 2) a stepping frame for walking 3) a hands-out "attack state" That's 3X8 = 24 frames total. And you think I can't be picky when I'm offering to pay almost a dollar per frame for a BYOND icon? |
In response to Gakumerasara
I wonder how the community would respond if Classified Ads was restricted to paid-only gigs.
In response to Foomer
No games other than rips actually get created from it, so yes, I wonder too.
In response to Foomer
May as well delete the forum.
In response to Gakumerasara
Gakumerasara wrote:
You don't think that an enterprising icon creator would say "Gee, I can spend the time to make 1 frame to see if it passes muster, and if it does, I can finish the icon and get paid a considerable amount"? It's unrealistic and unfair to assume an artist has to draw a "demo frame" just to land a job of this nature. For the most part, artists know whether or not they can draw something. If they don't have any previous experience with what you're asking you'll just have to make the judgement based on their portfolio. When was the last time you got paid $20 for a BYOND icon? I've never been paid for pixel art, but I can tell you I've paid $20 or more on multiple occasions. I made the call on whether I should hire them based on their portfolio. Each job came through, some exceeding my expectations. If you've ever played Vengeance 56 (see: link to V56 in ad), then you know that icons are scaled; thus, pixel size is irrelevant as long as the scaled version looks good (e.g.: Wolfenstein 3D in ad). The source material, the icons the artist will be drawing, aren't scaled. They should know the exact dimensions of what you want drawn. I need about 5 icons. 5X$20 = $100, which is why there's a payment roof. I don't care if you make 5000 icons, I'm only going to buy 5 for $20. You would only end up in a situation where the artist "makes 5000 icons" when you intentionally leave the ad vague. If you say exactly what you want in the ad there wont be any confusion. Nobody wastes time and nobody gets burned. And if your icons aren't that great (see: quality sample), then we're talking ~$10 per. Why would you hire someone if you don't like their artwork? That doesn't make any sense. Figure out exactly what you want to pay then find an artist capable of drawing what you want. The fact remains, I said that if people are interested in actually getting paid to make icons (gasp!), they should contact me and we'd work out the details. From the complete lack of response and the overwhelming lack of paid content on BYOND, it's clear to me that offering cash for original work is nigh pointless (see: rips). No, you're wrong. If people are actually interested in getting paid to draw then they wont even bother with unprofessional ads. Why bother working out the details with you when the next ad clearly dictates what the person wants and how much they're paying for it? Don't be so quick to blame rips, there are plenty of professional artists on BYOND who work on original projects at a reasonable price. While I believe $1 a frame is a fair price for a generic 32x32 BYOND icon, that's not what you're asking for. You're asking for large, fully animated icons in 8 directions. That's a huge job. Heck, most places outside of BYOND $1 for a 32x32 icon is highway robbery. Wrong: all of the information was in my original post. I disagree, you only mentioned the icon being in 8 directions. You didn't say anything about how many frames each animation needed to be. That's important information. |
In response to SuperAntx
SuperAntx wrote:
Gakumerasara wrote: I've been waiting since 2005 for someone to update the "Russian" that Abra made in 2003/4. At this point, I'll pay for anything that looks halfway decent. While I believe $1 a frame is a fair price for a generic 32x32 BYOND icon, that's not what you're asking for. You're asking for large, fully animated icons in 8 directions. That's a huge job. Heck, most places outside of BYOND $1 for a 32x32 icon is highway robbery. Who said anything about fully animated. I never even mentioned multiple frames per state because... get this... I don't want multiple frames per state (imagine that!). Arguing with you is pointless. You've completely missed my point, which is that a typical BYOND middle/high-school student with no other income who works on icons anyway should be expected to jump at the opportunity to make a buck. The fact that no one's even looked into it by asking for more info as I instructed tells me a lot about the efficacy of classified ads. In light of this, I'm retracting the ad. hope you're happy; I'll look elsewhere for icon help. |
In response to Gakumerasara
Gakumerasara wrote:
Who said anything about fully animated. There are many, many ways to animate the simple act of walking. One way would have just two frames mirroring back and forth. Another way would be to use 4 frames, switching between standing and stepping states. You didn't really specify what you wanted the walking to look like. For all the reader knows you could have wanted a fluid 8-frame walking animation for each direction. Arguing with you is pointless. You've completely missed my point, which is that a typical BYOND middle/high-school student with no other income who works on icons anyway should be expected to jump at the opportunity to make a buck. What exactly do you base that assumption on? Most of the artists I know from BYOND are either in collage or nearly finished with high school. It's true a lot of BYONDers are teenagers, but not all BYONDers are artists and not all artists are capable of taking on your job. The fact that no one's even looked into it by asking for more info as I instructed tells me a lot about the efficacy of classified ads. Like I said before, there were a lot of other problems with your ad which is probably why you didn't get any replies. It's also worth mentioning it was still on the front page when you pulled it. I was trying to point out the flaws and speak with some personal experience in dealing with artists so you might improve your ad. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, I would have enjoyed seeing your game with updated artwork. |
It's up to that individual, who is looking for a job, to do research on the person(s) who placed the ad.