So a player in my game asked me why I was playing this game... evv0inm6uIftxlqg?tab=index
I had never played it before but they showed a screenshot of me supposedly logged into one of their servers.
Then I looked into it and saw a few other keys for users I recognize logged into the servers. But they also claim they've never played there.
Is this some kind of bug?
Is there some way to get fake keys to show up on servers?
Or do me and a few of my playerbase have security issues with our accounts?
It seems odd someone would hack my account to play a pokemon furry rp game and never use it to log into my game with master admin.
I'm not sure what the screenshot was of, so I can't answer your question fully. If it was a screenshot of our site showing the list of players live in that server, that shouldn't truly be possible unless someone is using an imposter account (one that looks very similar but actually isn't--we tend to ban those) or if the person taking the screenshot edited the HTML they were seeing before doing so.
If on the other hand you saw a screenshot of in-game chat, that could be anything. There are some games that let players choose any name they want--but that's really for display only. Under the hood it's still them, and the hub wouldn't be confused by that. |
Tom looked into this for me and proved this player was just screwing with me. It was this screenshot though. I got the player to admit it was fake. |
It's quite easy to fake this information in game, that said it can only be done if the developer/s insert the functionality to do so.