Do you remember this great Digimon adventure game. The feel of loading up your Digimon via D-Chips and running through a dungeon or two. The fun of battling others in the arena and claiming victory over the losers. Do you miss those feelings?

Well, now you can experience all the fun of Digimon Tankyuu in brand new way. UlForceV (original creator of Digimon Tankyuu) has returned with another non-stop party of a Digimon adventure game.

Keep on the look out for this game, coming this spring to the computer your probably on right now!
Can't believe people like Digimon. Monster Rancher FTW!
In response to Bischoff
I'm an early Monster Rancher fan, but the cartoon rather sucked. Quite a few seasons of Digimon were pretty good. That tends to do more for fangame loyalty.
In response to ACWraith
Monster Rancher had an evil, intimidating monster guy....that was awesome...

oh wait, his name was MOO! You know you have a bad ass villain if their name is Moo. That's like a big burly mob boss named Michelle.