Nobody is gonna cry about their abuse. It's their game and their rules.

Anyways sometimes on BYOND game developers will pick some slightly immature people to host it and patrol the game. This will get playful admins to mess with you. The outcome is funny sometimes. Well here my story is, I am not sure what I did to deserve that besides not agreeing with a single person, but in Dragonball Generations when you argue with one person.. you argue with everyone with OOC chat available. Check it out:

--[THE KEYS OF THE PEOPLE WILL BE HIDDEN FOR SECURITY PURPOSES][their all Naruto names anyways.:)]--

(*******_********[THIS IS THE HOST])Ithuriel:You get on here to complain when your daddy says no?
(Govilku[ME])Iko: my dad died last week
(Govilku)Iko: so ((sugar)) u(got emotional...)
(Govilku)Iko: ooc off
(*****)Kemon: Arguing on the interenet is like the special olympics, no matter who wins, everyones still ret*rded.
(***************)Kiozen: Lolol, ownt. Pwn flying ftw.
(************)Yuiopasd Cranik: No one cares....
(*******_********)Ithuriel: Good show, I hope he's turning over in his grave with a little ((doggie)) for a son like you :D(weirdo geek)
(************)Yuiopasd Cranik: Ichi wins,TKO
(*******_********)Ithuriel: I'm the judge of the special olympics, I get to laugh and win (so ur a ret*rd.)
[Before this he and a couple of admins found me, muted me, and killed my character out of spite.]

That was my moment. I even cried in the bathroom.(lol)
I'm sure this happens to everyone. Now lets see some of our less reputable members of the byond community.
Just to let you know, sticking an asterisk on one of the vowels of a word neither is sufficient for censorship, nor does it make the text any more appropriate for these forums. I edited out the ones I deemed mostly inappropriate into all-asterisk words.
In response to Kuraudo
sorry, ill reread the rules next time before posting.
Govilku wrote:
That was my moment. I even cried in the bathroom.(lol)
I'm sure this happens to everyone.

Umm, no. I don't think this happens to everyone.
In response to Ulterior Motives
Hahaha way to make me feel like a total wuss.
In response to Govilku
Govilku wrote:
Hahaha way to make me feel like a total wuss.

This is the world wide web.
A magical place full of strangers and dangers.
It's best to just go with the flow and avoid anything ridiculous.

Besides, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" or something to the matter.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Maximus_Alex2003 wrote:
Besides, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" or something to the matter.

that's why i usually don't play games that anyone can download and host as an admin, since they usually kill me...
that's why i don't play finale and generations, i'm having a nice RP and an abuser comes and kill me and no one does nothing about, and those games are almost die game over for 40% of the fun, the only fun in hell is fighting.
In response to Karffebon
yea that guy is not a random downloaded it is a guy with an extremely high position and is the only host of that game. Yea they abuse "RARELY"(Like almost never.) but they call it "nubbing" to avoid the numerous complaints.

Nubbing-An attack on an unpopular member of the game.
1. One admin will mute you.
2. They will teleport to you.
3. They will have a 1-liner-rp and start attacking.
4. You will die. And they will unmute you and start the verbal abuse.
5. They continue.
6. They continue.
7. They con- you get it.

I learned to laugh at myself and just know those people are the slime of byond. Lets not get bashful though. Generations is a very respectable game considering it is a dragonball game. Most of those is pure thievery but Generations is original. That is all I am going to say about it, I will not slander them.