Hey everyone. Anyone heard anything from wrath about this game coming back? I mean game was was in my option the best naruto game on byond. I meet many wonderful people on this game. From the 'beautiful' pink Ghost to the annoying to kill Rock.
I am glad to see that this game hasn't been forgotten by those of us that enjoyed are hours....many many hours of game play from this wonderful game.
Well this has been your crazy blue tai ninja that eats ninja's to shinigami to hallows. Mizudori.
![]() Mar 19 2015, 4:21 pm
Yeah I noticed I had byond still installed and on a whim logged in to see what was going on. I'm sad that I missed the the how ever small the time a server was up last year.
If I hear anything I'll be sure to put it up here. ^^ |
Hi you guys um if you want the server up I can ask Box to put it up the only thing is we are missing some files so thats mostly why we took it down ...I know Wrath did like a update on the new which I got to try out but only wrath can put that up unless he gives box that too I gave box my file but still no good do to we cant edit anything except players kinda...but we have a chat room on the app kik for people who wanna play nds and I can basically contact people on there oh btw Im Luna. So just give a buzz if you need us
I shot you a message Konomineko_sama. If you can get the server going again I'll poke at Mizu and will at least play. I'm sure if you put it up people will come!
So nothing came of getting the game back up huh...that's a shame. I was hoping to play again too. I first played back in 2007 when I was in seventh grade and now I'm a Junior in college and still would love one more run.
Konomineko_sama contact me over byond chat i would love to help get this game back uP!
Yeaaa.....so if by chance this comes back up, I wouldn't mind playing it again, but I'm not going to get my hopes up lol. Wrath was just a stingy guy; he should've given the source to someone to claim the game as their own.
~Wind |
I Can do it, ive had a server up for about a month now. Just contact me for the link ( Shawn05 ).
I shot you a message man. If anyone else sees this and cares to hit me with a link I'll be on within' the fucking second!
Key: Nrustoster |
I'd truly like to log in once more and hopefully reconnect with a missed player base. If there is any word on an active server, let me know and I'll help spread the word. (Key: Nrutoster)
It is interesting to see that you had made a post as recently as yesterday Mizu! It's been quite some time since I've been on this HUB. I'm at least glad to know that there is still a demand for NDS. Maybe there is a chance of it's return just yet. :3