Based on the Stats listed on their website, this simple game has made over 2 million dollars, and its still in alpha testing.
Video Review: default.htm?pres=20100920_2030&story=5
FanMade Trailer: watch?v=FaMTedT6P0I&feature=player_embedded
I bought it >.>
In response to Jotdaniel
Me too
In response to Falacy
Sound is broken *sob*
In response to Jotdaniel
It's an awesome game! I love Minecraft!
In response to Jotdaniel
Do a F3+S. It is supposed to fix the sound issue. Notch turned off sound because it was streamed from his server or something like that, but the F3+S overwrites his change.
In response to Danial.Beta
Hey that worked, awesome.

I skimmed all of notch's blog posts and didnt find anything, you're a lifesaver.
From those videos and other sources, it looks like an unexpectedly, seriously awesome and addictive game. Thanks for introducing it.

Although, since the good game-mode ('Alpha') costs money, I probably won't actually extensively play this game... ;_;
In response to Kaioken
Is there a free version?
The multiplayer should be nice once they get all the bugs worked out, and add a server browser, which is supposedly on the to-do list.
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
Is there a free version?

Kaioken wrote:
Although, since the good game-mode ('Alpha') costs money, I probably won't actually extensively play this game... ;_;

Based on his comment, I believe he is referring to the online survival mode being pay-to-play.
In response to RJTaylor
I think he may have been referring to the "classic" version, though I can't seem to get that going. I also haven't heard anything about the game being p2p, unless you count having to buy a copy of it.
In response to RJTaylor
You mean buy to play. pay to play is paying by a subscription usually monthly.
In response to Falacy
There have been many versions, or "game modes": invdev, infdev, survival, alpha, classic. It seems the only ones that aren't obsolete now and are still being updated are Alpha and Classic. The latter is free. However, that version is pretty much building-only, which is still enjoyable but it's missing many features of the 'true' game (such as survival, day/night cycle, itemkeeping and inventory, crafting, mining etc), along with fun and challenge. Basically Classic is akin to being stuck in build mode while playing The Sims, only a little better since the world isn't actually frozen, so you can move around and play with the physics. But you can't even keep an inventory, let alone use tools, like you can in Alpha (and its older cousins: invdev, infdev, survival...). Survival is actually available to play for free, but again it's old and obsolete, as well as outright lacking some features that are in Alpha.
There's a wiki dedicated to Minecraft. This page has a handy table detailing differences between game modes:
(It says there Classic isn't being updated anymore, but I think that's wrong.)

Of course, although I did a rather lot of looking around and video watching, it could be that I've missed some things. Oh yeah, if someone gifts me an account, I'll know more. :P
About that, it's indeed not pay to play or something like that. It's a one-time buy including future updates and multiplayer (info: including different game-modes as well, if you're actually inclined to play something other than Alpha after buying.