when-will-microsoft-stop-supporting-ie8/ 75976c12-d344-4485-84c1-b319646da74c
"It will be supported on XP SP3 until extended support ends for that operating system which is April 2014. Similarly, it will be supported on Vista until extended support ends for that operating system in April 2017 (or unless and until they ship a new version of IE through a future OS service pack)."
They are also dropping IE from the product line. Likely a rewrite to make it a green-field project, drop all the compat overhead AND get themselves out from under the dark cloud they can't seem to escape.
Mar 18 2015, 9:35 pm
Mar 19 2015, 7:20 am
I hope this it means that our overlords stop requiring that Microsoft websites function in it as well. I'm working on the new store, and one of the things repeatedly hammered into us is the expectation that it has legacy support as far back as IE8, mostly because there are locales where a significant portion of the population still uses it.
My company is talking about what it means to drop support right now as well. When your customers still have 50000 XP work stations (50000 licen$es), we would support IE 4.0 if we had to... well maybe not but money is money. :) As long as the money you earn outweighs the cost you spend on getting it.
My company works with a bunch of government departments that are still stuck on IE7 until next year. This is in Canada.
In response to Murrawhip
Murrawhip wrote:
My company works with a bunch of government departments that are still stuck on IE7 until next year. This is in Canada. Oh, man, I feel for you. Well, on a good note, at least it's not IE6? |