
You're right.
The first time I saw this sort of thing on Silk's forums, it was definitely something that seemed unique to me. I shared it, some people laughed, and after a while I think it was forgotten.

Then a month or so later, someone messages me to say that Blade's asking for help again from the same community as before. Curious, I hop in and start logging like last time. People thought the first one was funny so I should do it again, right?

(Blade wsays:) no Sarm!
(Blade wsays:) Dont do it!

I should have listened. Instead, I was too caught up in trying to do something funny to not see that I was humiliating someone else for my own gain. I think the Sarm of one year ago would be insulted by this.

I'd like to apologize to you, Blade of Evil, but it wouldn't undo any of this. I'm sorry. Normally I'd try to keep this sort of thing private but since I'm the one who publicly embarassed you, the least that could be done is make this public as well. You're not the only one to whom I owe an apology, but I haven't been able to contact him.
Bah, bunch of pussies.
You used to be hardcore Sarm. It used to be about the I just don't know anymore.
I just don't feel that you owe a apology to that sorry mass of humanity. I mean, if he had learned from his mistakes and showed efforts to reform and still had a black mark on him then fine, a apology is probably due. But as we've all seen and heard, he never ever learned his -FUCKING- lesson. He went from game to game, always asking for 'the code'; he even made a brief appearance on the byond forums and had the gall to tell other byonders trying to help and reason with him that 'too lazy, fuck your efforts, give me what i want NOW'.

To me, Blade of Evil represented a happy go lucky retarded kid who constantly breaks household items. He never thinks twice about it and never realizes it is wrong. I don't care if he is incapable of realizing that, but after my fucking cal ripken collectible mug gets shattered his ass is on the streets.

Edit: To put it bluntly, he didn't want help, he didn't want sympathy, all he wanted was 'The Code' well as a picture of a guy's hairy balls as long as you gave him what he really wanted.
I agree with Zeifer to a point, I dont belive you owe him an apology. Yes it was mean to post the logs of him being, well, Blade of Evil, but in truth he brings on himself. He was told that he couldnt get the source to dwo, and he didnt listen. He did for mmo2 and DW:HD as well, and he is continuing to do it. He's not a n00b because you posted the logs of him being dumb and deaf, hes a n00b because he doesnt learn from his mistakes, and stop asking for other peoples games (repeatedly). Im sure if you didnt make a post, someone else would have anyway, so his rep wasnt safe anyway.

Just learn from your mistakes, and move on. You'll be a better person for it.
Hahaha, I harassed that kid so much in DW: HD, he snapped on me once and logged out, got a perma-mute for like 2 weeks. :D
You don't owe him an apology Sarm, the kid just didn't learn. He neees to be whipped into submission. and if Blade ever reads this: Daddies waiting. ;) xD
I hate it when you start to feel sorry for the person you've been harrassing. It makes you feel so bad and guilty. That's why I block it out. I dreamt about Cobbo last night. =S
Is that kid a giant douche or a turd sandwich? You decide! He asked me for the stupid MMO2 files aswell. Full story here!

I am the coder for DW:HD. I just learned today hes been banned from my game 4 times and I just banned him the 5th time. He does seem that he is incapable of learning. He was given many chances and failed them all. I cant feel sorry for him.
now with 3 colours (3!!)
LOL Elly. Lol. Blade of evil ftl.
So Sarm, you starting to rethink your apology now that you know Blade of Evil is also King of Slimes and for all the crap KoS has done on FFO the last few months? :-p

Edit: Looking down at my previous comment, looks like I judged him correctly.