Ok to all you who dont know, Teka123 after his extensive benefactor run has come to an end for awhile, he will no longer handing out memberships, a matter in fact he had one of the staff remove his ability To give memberships.
He recently posted this on his page via: http://www.byond.com/members/Teka123
He appears to be in debt and some of the people who are thankful, and just friends are sending him some money to help pay his dues.
If anyone is willing to help him out, check out his post, his paypal is,
[email protected]
Wow, enough church sounding O_o... Anyways, I personally dont know the guy/girl.... But they have been pretty damn nice over the time they joined, so I kinda wanna help him out, I personally have no reason to, so... Yeah. Anyways, would be nice if you guys helped him out.
Jan 26 2011, 7:34 pm
Jan 28 2011, 2:08 am
As nice as Teka is, any debt he's accumulated his own fault and none of our business or responsibility to be frank. I'm leaving my statement at that.
In response to Kyle_ZX
It's true that Teka did this to himself, but he did it by helping out others. I think that deserves some form of gratitude.