I haven't posted for a while, so I might as well make an announcement about my upcoming turn-based strategy game.

During the summer, I've been slowly (yet steadily!) been working on the game. Right now, I'm proud to say it's almost ready for the public. However, I still need people to test the game. Right now, it is pretty feature limited, however, more will be added in later days.

This blog post is to announce that during this week, and 2 days of next week, I will be hosting the game at the evening time for testing. Anyone is invited to play. I will be allowing 5 games to be played at one time, so nobody will be left behind. (You can also observe games if you don't want to play)

Right now, the game is looking ready to be tested. There are currently 9 playable maps that you can choose from, and 2 factions with 7 units each. These numbers will hopefully rise as I continue to draw the icons. Here's a screenshot of a game I had in a previous private testing, for the sake of showing something. The map is called "The Rivers", and it was a game that Hell Ramen, Calus CoRPS, Crashed, and I played a while back.

The top panel shows any game stats you will need to know. In order, it shows the current turn and the maximum amount of turns that may pass, how much gold you have, how many villages you captured, how many units you have recruited, and your income. The sidebar shows any information about a unit. This includes health, mana, supplies, level, experience, movement points, alignment, and any skills the unit may have.

The mini-map, and day-and-night functionality will be added in later versions.

The game will be hosted in this url during the testing times. Be sure to check the hub during the evening testing times.
Looks awesome.
I agree. Good luck finishing it.
Icons seem to remind me of Fire Emblem.

Looks sweet, can't wait to play it.
Nice! I hope that is going to be an concurrent of LRS!
nice graphics, who made them?
I did.