Kyle_ZX wrote:
Murrawhip wrote:
Kyle_ZX wrote:
While I'm absolutely happy America finally got revenge for 9/11 I find it saddening that we live in a world where Men/Women/Children celebrate in the death of a person.
Celebrating the death of someone is bad, but revenge is awesome?
You misinterpreted my reply. I understand that revenge is something the American's wanted, it was a goal that has logical reasoning. Osama killed many Americans, they killed Osama. So I was trying to say gratz for achieving what they wanted but I still find men/women/children celebrating a mans death to be quite disturbing in an ironic sense.
This is actually not the case. Americans wanted to kill Osama because of what happened. That is revenge. America, the country wanted to capture and interrogate him in order to learn from him and stop future attacks, and/or at least shut down other major terrorist operations. Him being dead right now doesn't help anyone. Sure he isn't a threat anymore, but there was so much we could have learned from him. Not only that, but he could have been processed as a world criminal and been given a proper and appropriate legal punishment based on the law for his horrible crimes against us. He got off easy. He probably died quickly and to his dying moment he was probably still passing on information for other terrorist to complete his work. So there is no logical reasoning behind killing him. People shouldn't celebrate this moment. We can all breath a little easier sure, but we shouldn't be celebrating.
It was very logical to kill him. If they had him alive, think of the consequences? There could be attacks on where he is held, and it is very likely that there would be some sort of hostage scenario, with Bin Laden's release as the ransom. The extremists would cause so much damage trying to get him back. He is dead now, and the extremists can't change that.
Assalamu Alaikum brother.
Unfortunately, most people don't see that far ahead, and that is also why several Mosques, notably mostly in the US has been defaced in the last couple of days. That is the times we live in, and that is the struggle we bear on our shoulders as Muslims living in the "peaceful, tolerant" West.
I wonder*, whether the thousands of innocent Women and Children killed in US drone attacks across the Afghan and Pakistani borders in the last ten years will get their revenge?
* Don't take this the wrong way, I did (and still do) support the invasions of Afghanistan and (for different reasons) Iraq.