Mar 17 2015, 8:33 am
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In order to play BYOND I have to use the WINE emulator for Linux. But I'm finding since the 500 BYOND build update that some games are virtually unplayable. Is the update so much of a paradigm shift that older version of the game become incompatible? If not could one not make it mandatory to get the most updated version because it makes byond unplayable for Linux users.
I see, thank you for the response and I knew that there was going to be a lot of compatibility issues when it came to using WINE. I just didn't know how adverse it would.
I also appreciate the introduction of the Web client.. But in the end I know I must go back to Windows. Thanks again. |
I just have one more question. How does one enable the ability to accept the connections of those with an older build. Because I'm guessing there is an option in there that disables it by default.
There isn't really an option that disables old clients by default. It's up to the developer to use the DM_VERSION macro, the world.byond_version, and client.byond_version to manually kick players with too low a version. Very few releases of BYOND break backward compatability, as Tom and Lummox try to avoid it at all costs.
For reference, what version of BYOND are you trying to use? |
Ah, yeah, I'm pretty sure that there was a hard-version change with BYOND 5.0 (technically beta in 499), so that'd be why.
BYOND 500 has added a huge sum of new features to BYOND that allow games to implement new visual glitz that simply wasn't possible before.
In addition, the web client has been in the works since version 505. The new web client is in beta at the moment, but it should allow users to access games on Linux and Mac through an HTML5 compliant browser. Of course, game owners will have to design their game with the display format of the web client in mind.
Simply updating to a newer build should solve these issues. Unfortunately, BYOND's DreamSeeker is a windows-only application, and as such crashes and errors within WINE are not something that are likely to be fixed.
DreamSeeker is being phased out entirely in hopes that the Web Client will become stable enough to fully replace it soon.