Sorry about the flute in this video i dont know how to edit it out. It's not as loud inside my game. So here is the video of my beta and the problems it may have.
So I'd just first like to thank everyone. I am so appreciative of anyone that tries my game. Every person means the world to me and i mean it. I'm just hoping my game doesn't suck and you guys actually have fun. Even if it isn't fun I'd like to know why. So thank you again for anyone that tries my game I am very grateful for you. also it will start march 20-22 evening central sometime.
Once my 4 month summer starts I can kick my project into over drive. Though Ill be working full time instead of school. Or hopefully potentially at bioware.
![]() Mar 17 2015, 4:05 am (Edited on Mar 17 2015, 4:28 pm)
So my classes started as anime inspired but I do have own lore. Like I said in video that was a mistake as I just called it that during my development. There is lore to the powers. And no it is not a dbz game or started out as one. But the ki class is definatley inspired from a dbz concept of ki. There was 4 other power capsules. Each inspired by animes such as beelzebub, medaka box, deadman wonderland and toriko. however my game has its own story, and lore and not all powers will be inspired by an anime. There is just inspirations from certain media sorta like retro city rampage. That game hinted at several games without copyrighting.
The gameplay is for now just battling enemies while leveling up. You can also duel or open world pvp. Though later we will have zelda type dungeons( solo and group ones) and pvp maps. And none of my art is from a dbz game. I in fact drew it myself to make it look like it. But if I were to give you the pixelated images you'd see how different they are. I also know the gameplay isn't apparent. I haven't got a tutorial zone yet in place. |
Also beta date is March 20-22 evening. Starting as soon as I get home from work. So about 6-11 depending on what americain timezone
On my games page it will be open during the evening. Like I said in my video there isn't a lot of direction as you pointed out. But I kinda just gave you that counter clockwise hint. Basically this early into it your levelling up. Testing the moves and the mechanics. And seeing if it's fun, and telling me issues |
maybe ill just add some signs in the game by your respond area that tells you controls and a bit of direction.
I am not really concerned if people are knowing what they are doing at this point. But they should know the basics. I think a bunch of talking signs will do enough of the trick |
I guess my point is, why the video and asking for feedback if you knew most of the stuff I pointed out?
Also I didn't have the volume up so i missed anything you said. will have to re-watch it! |
I'm asking for feedback not on the video, but for when you play it.
The video is just to show you what state it is in when you will be playing it. |
See thats whats wrong with BYOND why do people think its ok to make a game with no given direction? I log out of most BYOND games I attempt to play for this reason. I AM NOT GONNA SIT THERE AND TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHAT I AM DOING.
See this post me and Xirre had a discussion about this: forum/?post=1793781&hla=Ganite#comment14143992 |
I am aware of that. I am super conscious of that. Like i said i just havent incorporated that into beta. But now that i think of it i make a little something quickly for my beta. I definaltey don't think having no direction is good, I really frown on such ideas and want it to be as easily accessible as possible. However that will not be the strong point of my little testing i am trying to do over weekend. Its just for a taste and for me to get a taste of problems i am aware of such as those and others i may not be.
When my game actually releases it might even have a cutscene and definatley a tutorial zone to ease you into the basics and the lore. For the purpose of the beta I didn't think i needed it. But you are right so i will make a little something. Right now there isnt much to figure out however. You start at weakest enemies and go counter clockwise around the map will progresvley put you to stronger enemies. Thats the jist of it so far. Ill also post controls in my game, and some basics such as interactions with interface, how to level... things like that i'll quickly add. "when i said state you will be playing it" I didn't mean when it is complete. I meant during this weekend |
Yea it doesn't have to be something big like you'll use in release. Just something helpful.
if you watched the video. If you saw that pvp sign? I'm going to do that but they will be "tutorial signs" that will talk and give you some instructions. They will be around your first respawn point.
Thanks for feedback |
Nope it's not tien exactly. Though tien was the person I was looking at while I was drawing it. Though there are several differences like legs and arms are different proportions. And of course sense it's naked I had to draw the chest. But the head definatley heavily inspired off of tiens.
Yea i've been caught... hahaha. |
Firstly, I like the fact that it's different and unique to a degree. The start screen is nicely done,simple and clean. I'm a bit unsure of the premise or play mechanics of the game. It may seem apparent to you as the developer but from the video it's a bit hard to guess at.
The majority of the video seemed to be walking around, and item interaction - it really leaves a question of what does game play look like.
The art is vibrant, which I like. The icons are large which i also like *hate tiny 32x32 icons that are way zoomed out..rather annoying*
I realize it's a rough draft so I will just glance over things that sort of caught my eye:
The huds are pretty...o_O They aren't labeled as well so I have no idea of what's what. Maybe some icons next to them would help.
The art you have currently is from a DBZ game- I feel that and seeing the word "saiyan" would draw a very, um..focused reaction from people in this community.
Is this a dbz game at it's core? If it's dbz influenced you might do better to remove words like "saiyan" or any other IP related to dbz and come up with your own lore behind it.
The test formatting was very well done, the typewriter effect was super nice.
Since I couldn't play I honestly can't say more than that. Good luck and keep at it.