if(isfrozen()) return
if(!PZ1 || !PZ2) return
var/PL_1 = PZ1.scale_b
var/PL_2 = PZ2.scale_r
var/list/monsters = list()
var/list/summons = list()
var/z = 5
for(var/obj/cards/monster/C in usr.Hand)
if((C.level < PL_2 && C.level > PL_1)||(C.level > PL_2 && C.level < PL_1))
monsters += C
for(var/obj/cards/monster/C in usr.PPile) if(!isnull(C.pendulum))
if((C.level < PL_2 && C.level > PL_1)||(C.level > PL_2 && C.level < PL_1)||(C.rank < PL_2 && C.rank > PL_1)||(C.rank > PL_2 && C.rank < PL_1))
monsters += C
if(!monsters) return
if(Monster1) z--
if(Monster2) z--
if(Monster3) z--
if(Monster4) z--
if(Monster5) z--
if(!z) return
isbusy = 1
var/obj/portal/P = new(src)
ObjGrid += P
var/T = input("Choose monsters to Pendulum Summon.\n(hit cancel when done)","[summons.len] so far ([z-summons.len] empty Zones)") as null|obj in monsters
if(!T) break
summons += T
monsters -= T
if(summons.len >= z) break
Problem description:
So this code here is pulling a list of all possible objects from 2 different inventories. Storing them in list "monsters" then asking the player for a selection of up to 5 of them depending on how many slots they have available. Adds all those selections to list "summons" so they can be summoned into those slots.
Here's the issue I'm facing...
There are 2 different inventories. Players need to know which of the 2 inventories they're pulling each object from in the input list. The input list combines like entries though.
So instead of them coming out like....
it just comes out as...
I really would like them to be listed like...
AAA (Hand)
AAA (Deck)
BBB (Hand)
CCC (Deck)
DDD (Hand)
DDD (Deck)
I've got lists which do this similarly in other aspects of the game but those are for a fixed number of objects.
I need all of these objects...
var/obj/cards/monster/C in usr.Hand
var/obj/cards/monster/C in usr.PPile
To be listed in the input by... (C.CrdLoc)
Let the player pick from that list. Then add the associated object to the second list to be summoned.
I just cannot seem to win with lists lately. New problems keep popping up for me one after the other.