![]() Mar 15 2015, 7:53 pm
This is the death proc all the way to line 488 which is the line we fixed,
I... Yeah... I'm sorry. But this code snippet has an example of everything that I've fought against for years. Please start from the beginning with a tutorial and throw that rip source code away. It's truly horrible. There is no fixing the codebase you are working on that doesn't involve a gascan and some matches. |
src.overlays = 0 You can't set overlays to 0. There's your crash right there. You need to do this instead: src.overlays.Cut(1,0) And yeah, there's no reason this proc should be this long. Everything is wrong here. You really shouldn't be relying on ripped source code. If you ever have a procedure getting into thousands of line long, you have probably done something immensely wrong, and I can tell you right now that all of this is wrong. |
Send me a copy of your source code via PM. I'll debug it and find what's going wrong a lot faster.
I was unable to reproduce the infinite loop. I'll need more specific information on how to reproduce it.
I'll be honest, though, this is the worst codebase I've ever seen. |
i dont know how to reproduce it but the source i sent you already has the loop, just go kill a strong hollow with a rei based attack or something
also i didnt make it this messy, it was already this messy i just have been adding on to it lool
when you spawn into the game train for like 2 seconds then walk out of hospital then walk to the right and click right clicking the npcs till you find strong hollow, pretty sure you can just walk up to it and regular attack when you do you should freeze/dc
also i noticed as soon as the game starts up a strong hollow kills byakuya somehow been lookin for it in the files but cant find it
I found your problem.
You are using spawn() instead of sleep() to make procs wait. Look at your hollow AI. |
ahhhhhhhh i thought that was the problem i just didnt know how to go about changing all my procs
step(src,EAST) ^This doesn't work like you think it does. step(src,EAST) ^That would be correct instead. |
could you perhaps change what your talkin about and send it back to me? i did it and nothing changed still crash when i kill strong hollow
Yep, same thing happened to me. Not sure where the crash is coming from, to be honest. I'm at a total loss. This source is just too broken for me to work with. Sorry.