Blast i seem to be having trouble, naming my weapon in my game.
The game has swords, guns, of all variates, which all appear to be from the classical era, so no ak47s here....
But i'm running out of ideas...
I've got pistols, but i cant very well have 20 pistols named pistol 1, 2, 3, etc....
already have flintlock, and such...any ideas, suggestions, on naming weaponry? And please don't say google, that was my first option xD
![]() Aug 22 2011, 9:40 am (Edited on Aug 25 2011, 7:07 pm)
Don't forget katana, daikatana, and wakizashi/tanto.
Plus all the other blades. I think more than Google, Wikipedia is your friend? Something no one has mentioned yet is a scimitar or a 2-handed blade. (etc.) |
whats a daikatana :/
I know cutless, katana, etc.. I am having more problems with guns than i am with swords. I've got knuckle blades, and even double edges swords, even some that i think i might have made up xD But when it comes to guns i'm at a loss, after flintlock, clocklock, pistols. |
This is easy to accomplish when you consider the area that item is found. If it's found in a town called Arreador, you might have items named like such: Arredian Longsword, Twilight Greaves of Arread, ect. If you find it in a certain area like a desert, think about the lore that pertains to that area.
"This desert is home to the Nomadic tribe of Goblins, the Gath'yiri. They build grand citadels and fortified themselves against a race of savage insect-like creatures called the Wara Wara. They would take the dead creatures and use their thick hides for armors and weapons." With a rich description like this, you could create item names for almost anything: Gath'yiri High Blade; Shoulder Plate of Wara Might; Desert Battle Staff; ect. The list goes on and on. It's all about imagination and making the items your own. They don't all have to be as epic as the ones I exampled here, but something to make the players go "Ooooh, that sounds cool!" and at least get them interested in the item, even if it's really worthless. |
never heard of it lol.
I thought broadswords were the big swords, never heard of daikatana, guess i'll have to look it up. |
A Daikatana is the kind of katana that you would see on someone's back, that is extremely long. The handle looks like you could fit 4-6 hands down it.
Since I like nitpicking, classical antiquity is generally taken to run from the first Olympic Games in 776 BC to the fall of Augustulus Romulus in AD 476 (or so), whereas gunpowder was not invented until the 10th century and guns, as we know them today, much later. So, you might want to be more specific about the setting you want for your game. Do you want the world to resemble the Roman Empire, or Hellenistic Greece? It sounds that you might want to have a more mixed setting, but even then you want to narrow it down a bit, or you will have items that seem ridiculously anachronistic, or it will just be a big mess.
Once you have an idea for a setting, research the appropriate time period and see what kinds of weapons people of that setting would have used. There should be no shortage of ideas. |
So you are looking for archaic firearms? Try flintlock, matchlock, arquebuss, blunderbuss, musket, wheellock, snaplock, caplock, snaphance, miquelet, Boyer rifle, and, my personal favorite, hand cannon.
You can also try naming specific guns by function, so you might have a hunting flintlock, a trencher's musket, or a cavalry officer's caplock pistol. You might also want to have exotic varieties such as repeaters (multi barrel with higher rate of fire but high jam/misfire rate), long barrels (greater accuracy but slower), etc. Ammunition can also vary widely, from metal bullets (lead, steel, iron, etc) to stones to scatter shot or even incendiary rounds. |
Jmurph has some good ideas. I think that the early modern period (or a setting inspired by it) is be a great setting for a game. With the age of exploration, scientific revolution, and liberation from many modes of thought from the medieval era, this is perhaps the most exciting period in Western history. If you really want to get into it, I would suggest doing some research into the Thirty Years War, or the conquistadors, or other topics from that era to learn about the military technology and tactics (I myself don't know much on that subject).
Here's an idea, if you can't come up with enough guns for your game, some games (like combat arms) have it so that you can customize them to create your own personal weapons with different advantages and disadvantages from other guns. In this way the amount of different weapons you could possibly have would be significantly higher
The only way this really works, is if every upgrade line is sufficient by itself and equal to the next. If you can add Accuracy, Firepower, and Ammo Cap to your guns as an upgrade, you must make them equivilent. Otherwise players will find one upgrade to span and everyone will have identical super firepower weapons. If the ease of killing another person is exactly the same no matter which upgrade you get, then preference of choice will show through. I.e. In a game like that, I would prefer accuracy, being that I'm very sniper orientated, and enjoy showing off almost impossible head shots.
I'll have to be careful with that because i might have a:
"Not so loyal bandits hunting rusty flintlock pistol" :D |
broad swords
short swords