I want to go into Computer Programming for college. I want to know, exactly, what would be the highest-paying salary job that I could go for, and actually be a programmer? I want to go for either a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree.

So, it looks like becoming a Software Architect would yield a high salary. And, that a Bachelor's Degree would be the smartest option for this. I'm taking AP and accelerated Computer Science and English classes. I'm taking accelerated pre-calculus, too. Plus, a bussiness managment class. I'm not exactly sure what I should be going for degree-wise.
I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that the average starting salary for a computer game programmer is between $90k and $100k a year. Last time I checked that is.
In response to Eenyx
Eenyx wrote:
I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that the average starting salary for a computer game programmer is between $90k and $100k a year. Last time I checked that is.


Is this what you mean or do you mean something closer to Bill Gates's salary?
In response to Dr.DraX
I'm interested in a job that I could have a $70k salary within the first 2 years.
In response to Eenyx
Eenyx wrote:
I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that the average starting salary for a computer game programmer is between $90k and $100k a year. Last time I checked that is.

At the expense of sucking your life away.
In response to Popisfizzy
Honestly, I think that I should go with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and go for Software Engineering. Bachelor_of_Software_Engineering
In response to Popisfizzy
Well, at least you're sucking your life away at something you enjoy. I would hate to breath my last gulp of air as a Janitor for some High School...
The banking industry has a job with your name on it. It's also the industry I would be least happy working in, which is why it pays so well.

I'm currently in the process of switching jobs with a view to taking a pay cut and actually liking my job again, and I'm not even in banking.
In response to Stephen001