Hes a great programmer but, sometimes his decision is rash and based on other people without finding intellectual information hard facts, vegi you are a smart but damn dude if someone you like says something you do it i.e. I asked to be lvl 7 coded in you gave me it xD second I joined you gave me lead just because I offered to host awhile ago, in order to be a good owner (and a good dev) you need to learn bad and good suggestions.
Vegito learn more about decision making and programming before making a 3-D game and asking randoms to do it for you q.q
If you actually took your time to look into studying the atonomy of cats you'd probably have the slightest chance of making this happen,otherwise I don't see this shit going anywhere. Keep in mind, this is mandatory for all developers to know.
Also DONT FORGET the programming language "HTML" that all programmers use to create these awesome 3D and 2D games. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Cat+atonomy+images# |