how do I make it so the verbs available for objs change?
I want the verb wear to be replaced with remove when the obj is worn. This should preferably be done directly under obj/clothes.
![]() Feb 14 2001, 9:56 am
doesn't this code make it impossible to wear additional stuff, since once you have put something on the wear verb dissapers.
Is it only the wear verb for the specific obj or for all? |
On 2/14/01 1:05 pm Kaidorin wrote:
doesn't this code make it impossible to wear additional stuff, since once you have put something on the wear verb dissapers. It should only affect the specific object, since the verb is being removed from that object's verbs list. |
oh, I see it now...
I should wait a while before asking additional questions, at least until I am sure that I don't understand... wich is quite often when it comes to DM. thanks for the help! |
I've tried and my code looks like this:
proc wearing() removing() wear(mob/trg) set src in world src.worn = 1 usr << "You put on [src], [src.wearfeel]." src.wearing() src.verbs -= /obj/clothing/proc/wear src.verbs += /obj/clothing/proc/remove remove() set src in world removing() usr << "You remove [src]" src.worn = 0 //remo = remove src.verbs -= /obj/clothing/proc/remo src.verbs += /obj/clothing/proc/wear I get these errors: code\ type code\ var code\ var what is wrong? if you need more code to know the problem, just say wich part you need and I'll put it here. |
proc Hmm... a couple things come to mind. First, this block of procs is indented more in your actual code, right? The line that shows as "proc" above should really look like: obj/clothing/proc Not sure why you'd be getting the "world" error, but for your purposes, you probably want "set src in usr" anyway. That should make the verb apply only to clothing that's in the mob's contents list. |
they are indented more.
I tried with usr, but gets the same error: usr:undefined type I also get 2 src.verbs:bad var has it got something to do with the proc not knowing the src? |
You just keep jumping to those advanced topics, don't ya!
Okay here is the magic...
Procs and verbs are pretty much the same thing...a verb is just a proc that the player can see.
So here is what you do:
1) Create the verb as a proc
2) When you want the player to be able to see it, add that proc to the object's verbs list.
Here's how it looks:
// Start out with wear as a verb.
src.verbs += /obj/clothes/proc/wear
return ..()
// This will be used as a verb.
set src in world
// Your wearing code goes here
// Now remove wear() as a verb and add remove().
src.verbs -= /obj/clothes/proc/wear
src.verbs += /obj/clothes/proc/remove
// This will be used as a verb.
set src in world
// Your remove code goes here
// Now switch back to having the wear() verb.
src.verbs += /obj/clothes/proc/wear
src.verbs -= /obj/clothes/proc/remove