How can I assign A starting location for user?
more in can I pick an exact spot for a player mob to start when they log onto my game for the first time?
How can I assign A starting location for user?
more in can I pick an exact spot for a player mob to start when they log onto my game for the first time?

You'd use the locate() function. You can probably find some examples of it in this forum.
On 2/20/01 8:20 pm Darkness wrote:
How can I assign A starting location for user?
more in can I pick an exact spot for a player mob to start when they log onto my game for the first time?

You override the Login() proc for this. You can do it like...

usr.loc = locate(2,2,1)

That will place them at x=2,y=2,z=1, or near the lower-left corner of the map. The ..() part is very important... it tells the proc to go back to the original version (the one you're overriding) and do all the stuff in that too. Important stuff.

On 2/20/01 8:20 pm Darkness wrote:
How can I assign A starting location for user?
more in can I pick an exact spot for a player mob to start when they log onto my game for the first time?

loc = locate(X,Y,Z)