Apr 15 2001, 12:31 am
im trying to make a butcher in my game where you can sell the corpses from the dead animals but i dont know how to get only the corpses which are defined as obj/item/corpse to show up in a list to sell.can anyone help me?
In response to Spuzzum
this is the selling part of the code that i made but it doesnt recognise the items im trying to sell so there is no money added.Any ideas?
mob/butcher icon = 'hmerchant.dmi' verb/sell() set src in oview(usr) var/L[0] for(var/obj/item/corpse/X in usr) L += X if(!L.len) //if the player doesn't have anything src.say("Sorry, you don't have anything I'd like.") return var/selling = input("What would you like to sell?") in L+"-- Cancel --" if(selling == /obj/item/corpse/sheep) += 100 del(src) if(selling == /obj/item/corpse/wolf) += 10 del(src) if(selling == "-- Cancel --") return obj/item/corpse/sheep name = "dead sheep" obj/item/corpse/wolf name = "dead wolf" |
In response to Haroki
On 4/16/01 3:25 pm Haroki wrote:
this is the selling part of the code that i made but it doesnt recognise the items im trying to sell so there is no money added.Any ideas? The item to be sold is not /obj/item/corpse/sheep, it is an object of type /obj/item/corpse/sheep. The big difference: new /obj/item/corpse/sheep - object of that type /obj/item/corpse/sheep - that type Instead of if(selling == /obj/item/corpse/sheep) you need if(istype(selling,/obj/item/corpse/sheep)) And the cancel option is incorrectly indented. Thought I might point that out, too. [edited] Oh, and you should del(selling), not del(src). You don't want the butcher to disappear every time something is sold! |
set src in oview(usr)
for(var/obj/item/corpse/X in usr)
L += X
if(!L.len) //if the player doesn't have anything
src.say("Sorry, you don't have anything I'd like.")
var/choice = input("What would you like to sell?") in L+"-- Cancel --"
if(choice == "-- Cancel --")
//otherwise do selling stuff here
That's basically it. For anything you need to do like that, just make a list, add all possible items to that list, and then ask for a choice (including a cancel option so if people can change their mind, too).
You can adapt it for other shopkeepers, too. For example, an armourer would only have to have var/obj/item/corpse/X changed to your general firearm class (which is why I suggested that you subclass all guns). And the sell code beneath that can operate however you like, because I don't want to go through that part. =)