I have an Obj called PunchingBag, its a punching bag (DUH) that hangs down. I want it to increase the persons strength. I also have a pole that comes down and hits a person. I need that to increase somebodys defense. I also want both of these to SLOWLY but not too SLOW take off HP, till they cannot Train any more. I also want a healing station. I have a turf called Healing_Center. I can make it into a Obj if needed.
On 5/28/01 5:17 pm Sariat wrote:
I have an Obj called PunchingBag, its a punching bag (DUH) that hangs down. I want it to increase the persons strength. I also have a pole that comes down and hits a person. I need that to increase somebodys defense. I also want both of these to SLOWLY but not too SLOW take off HP, till they cannot Train any more. I also want a healing station. I have a turf called Healing_Center. I can make it into a Obj if needed.

For the punching bag and pole, use decimals.
For ex,
Player A use it once and it increase the stat by 0.01.
TO take off HP while training just have a - HP code.

Then for every 100 try, it increase only by 1. Slow enough for you?

For the healling station, attach a verb for healing to it. And when the player is in it, he can call the verb "heal", to recover.
In response to sunzoner
On 5/28/01 7:44 pm sunzoner wrote:
For the healling station, attach a verb for healing to it. And when the player is in it, he can call the verb "heal", to recover.

You could also modify the Enter() proc of the turf, so that it heals them the moment you step into the turf

    . = ..()    // check the default Enter() proc
    if (.)    // make sure they were able to enter
      if (ismob(usr))    // only mobs get healed
        var/mob/M = usr    // assign M to user so we can use member procs
        M.Heal()    // call your own proc that heals a mob *
    return .    // return the value that the default Enter gave

Hope that helps. :)
In response to Shadowdarke
On 5/29/01 4:58 am Shadowdarke wrote:
On 5/28/01 7:44 pm sunzoner wrote:
For the healling station, attach a verb for healing to can i have a code for the training? i also have a punching state for it, its called punch
In response to Shadowdarke
Or use the snippet that Guy gave in the other forum, which you should have checked anyway, Sariat.