Because it's assumed as a given.
heh converse is only made for like 5 people
also it has only 15 lines of code
Also no one cares about this blog post.
oh haha exophus sure is cool
I wasn't trying to be cool. I was dead serious.

You're the one trying to act cool coming into wiz_chat just now and saying "i herd dis place has good mods." Bottom-line is, you're an asshole.
yeah i sure am cool i'm so cool i programmed a chat room and sit in it all day man do i get a lot of head for that let me tell you

and i know i'm an asshole stop pointing it out okay i have emotions too =(
Go cut yourself then. I also said you were trying to ACT cool, not that you were cool. You were trying to act cool by your definition of cool, which isn't the actual definition of cool. So yeah, cut yourself and such.
oh hahaha you sure are pretty witty (oh shit that rhymes) i'm gonna go cut myself because that's what emo people do and because i said i'm not cool i'm emo, obviously, so i should go cut myself you m ake a lot of sense thanks

also i'm curious about the actual definition of cool and i'm also curious where i said i was cool or i was trying to act cool also i'm curious when you'll remove your head from your ass please get back to me soon tia (thanks in advance)
Cool means that something is cold. Jeez guys.
Things that I think no one cares about seeing people write about on forums and blogs anymore and things that just plain sucks.

1) No one cares about wars versus video game consoles anymore. Seriously. It's annoying and just takes up space now.

2) Metallica. They suck.

3) Myspace. It sucks and is annoying as hell. Rapists go there to find little kiddies to molest.

4.) Runescape. It was made in Java. END OF STORY.

5) Dragonball Z and Naruto games. Stop making these, people! You only get 1 or 2 players so just give up already, damnit! There's no hope for you anymore even if it is original because everyone is just so tired with dealing with them. No. It won't be better than all the other ones on BYOND. "Stfu."

6) Emo people. You suck.

7) Omerta. It sucks now. You'd know what it is if you've been in wiz_chat, which brings me to my next point.

8) People who don't visit wiz_chat once in a while. You suck.

9) People that don't play The Legend of Ares, they blow.

10) Dr. Bonzai's pharynx.

11) Resource extractors and anyone who wants one blow.

12) Internet Explorer blows.

13) Dial-up. It sucks.

14) AOL. People are tired of seeing how great AOL is when it sucks balls. YOU SUCK BALLS, AOL!

15) The fact that dial-up still exists.

16) People that smell.

17) People who haven't played Oblivion yet. You fail.

18) Paris Hilton. She's ugly and can't sing. DEAL WITH IT.

19) Pbags. 'Nuff said.

20) Briefs.

Part Two(So Far):

21) Sniper Joe and Flame Sage - They've been programming for four years and asked Cheetoz for help.

22) Harry Potter games. They suck and you suck for making one.

23) Bad Grammar

24) Girls(or guys, in some cases) that feel the need to have a name like cutegirllololo or something that mentions they are cute or hot. When they do this, they are usually fugly, or a guy.

25) People that make blog posts that have only a link in it that leads toward another blog post on the same site. You suck.

26) Lord of Light. You suck and cannot program worth a shit. You suck. Die.

27) People that ask what death is like are stupid. They suck and should know that people who haven't died yet, know nothing of death, so why ask? Stupid.

Formed with the added suggestions of people in wiz_chat!
Don't diss Wiz_chat or Exophus will break your legs because chat war is SERIOUS GODDAMN BUISNESS.
18) Paris Hilton. She's ugly and can't sing. DEAL WITH IT.

You'd still have sex with her.
Thing's that annoy me;

-- People making comments about what annoys them, in a place where nobody cares anyway.

-- People who acctually spend 30 minutes or so making a list of things they think suck.

That is all.
7) Omerta. It sucks now. You'd know what it is if you've been in wiz_chat

Heh, Omerta was gone a looong time ago.
Thing's that annoy me;

-- People making comments about what annoys them, in a place where nobody cares anyway.

-- People who acctually spend 30 minutes or so making a list of things they think suck.

That is all.
Hah! The irony! I love it!

26) Lord of Light. You suck and cannot program worth a shit. You suck. Die.

Haha! My favorite!