I have a game, what i want is when u log in, how can i make it so that you can pick ur team, the teams are red and blue. The icon for red is OPlayer.dmi and the icon for Blue is Player.dmi. Thanks in Advance.
Copyright FSJ Industries, Branch of UGW 1995-2001.
On 6/24/01 8:47 pm Sariat wrote:
I have a game, what i want is when u log in, how can i make it so that you can pick ur team, the teams are red and blue. The icon for red is OPlayer.dmi and the icon for Blue is Player.dmi. Thanks in Advance.
Copyright FSJ Industries, Branch of UGW 1995-2001.

That is easy just add this

var/team = input("select your team") in list("Red", "Blue")
if(team == "Red")
usr.icon = 'Oplayer.dmi'
if(team == "Blue")
usr.icon = 'player.dmi'

if theres a problem in usr.icon try just using src.icon or regular icon.
In response to Geo

name = "Madden Vs. Patterson, FOOTBRAWL!!!"
view = 6

usr << "Paterson: Welcome to todays game, well John, It looks like its gonna be a good game today"
usr << "Madden: Your Right Paterson, The Blue team looks strong, but the Red team looks better"
usr << "Paterson: WHAT MADDEN? The Blue team is gonna win!"
usr << "Madden: We'll se about that, $1000 bucks says Red's gonna win"
usr << "Paterson: Your on, Fatman"
var/team = input("select your team") in list("Red", "Blue")
if(team == "Red")
icon = 'Oplayer.dmi'
if(team == "Blue")
icon = 'player.dmi'

yeah, i know funny huh? im gonna TRY to make them randomized later on. But, thats besides the point, these are the errors i got

loading Byond Football.dme proc expression :warning: variable defined but not used

Byond Football.dmb - 2 errors, 1 warning

line 18 is the var/team thing
line 19 is the one after that (duh)
In response to Sariat
I beleive if you take this part out it will work
In response to Sariat
On 6/24/01 10:02 pm Sariat wrote:
name = "Madden Vs. Patterson, FOOTBRAWL!!!"
view = 6

usr << "Paterson: Welcome to todays game, well John, It looks like its gonna be a good game today"
usr << "Madden: Your Right Paterson, The Blue team looks strong, but the Red team looks better"
usr << "Paterson: WHAT MADDEN? The Blue team is gonna win!"
usr << "Madden: We'll se about that, $1000 bucks says Red's gonna win"
usr << "Paterson: Your on, Fatman"
var/team = input("select your team") in list("Red", "Blue")
if(team == "Red")
icon = 'Oplayer.dmi'
if(team == "Blue")
icon = 'player.dmi'

yeah, i know funny huh? im gonna TRY to make them randomized later on. But, thats besides the point, these are the errors i got

loading Byond Football.dme proc expression :warning: variable defined but not used

Byond Football.dmb - 2 errors, 1 warning

line 18 is the var/team thing
line 19 is the one after that (duh)

You are indenting after the var/team = input line. Why? It's not a proc, if statement, or switch. Also, what's with the var list thing? What the heck is that even there for? Also, if the compiler is anything like me, it's probably just refusing to compile because you've confused "your" and "you're" and seem to be capitalizing words completely at random.
In response to LexyBitch
Also, if the compiler is anything like me, it's probably just refusing to compile because you've confused "your" and "you're" and seem to be capitalizing words completely at random.

Heh! That one earned a Spuzzum laugh, and you only get those about 99% of the time!